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Hurricane Preparedness Training 2015

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1 Hurricane Preparedness Training 2015

2 Building Description STATISTICS 1,200,000 Square Feet 3,500 - 4,000 People daily 500 – 700 Visitors daily 1,200 Cars enter garage daily Over 80 Tenants 765 Feet High

3 Building Description STRUCTURE  Made of Concrete & Steel  Slab 4-6 Inches Thick  Curtain Wall: Granite Tiles & Dual Pane Glass Windows  Stairwells Have a 2 Hour Fire Rating Walls

4 Building Description BASIC INFORMATION  Speed of advance, approximately 12-15 mph  Wind speeds generally in excess of 75 mph but may gust up to 175 mph.  A deceptive lull lasting approximately 30 minutes occurs when the center (the EYE) of the hurricane passes. Wind speed resumes intensity and quickly, immediately after the eye passes.

5 Building Description BASIC INFORMATION Categories  Category 1 - Winds 74-95 mph or storm surge 4-5 ft above normal.  Category 2 - Winds 96-110 mph or storm surge 6-8 ft above normal.  Category 3 - Winds 111-130 mph or storm surge 9-12 ft above normal.  Category 4 - Winds 130-175 mph or storm surge 12-18 ft above normal.  Category 5 – Winds greater than 175 mph and storm surge greater than 18ft.

6 EMERGENCY SYSTEMS BASIC INFORMATION Standard Warning System  Phase A HURRICANE ALERT - Hurricane entering the region.  Phase B HURRICANE WATCH - 36 hours to landfall.  Phase C HURRICANE WARNING - 24 hours to landfall.  Phase D EMERGENCY PHASE - Strike.

7 EMERGENCY SYSTEMS Building Action Plan Prior to Hurricane Season  Building personnel holds an internal hurricane preparedness meeting  Send out a memo reminder to tenants with recommended steps During Watch Tenants will receive a memo with an update and instructions During Warning Tenants will receive a memo with an update and instructions. Evacuation instructions, if applicable.

8 EMERGENCY SYSTEMS Building Action Plan After Hurricane The safety of tenants, communication with the outside and prompt resumption of businesses is our main goal. Please do not go to the building after the storm. Our maintenance staff will be dispatched to the property as quickly as possible and they will assess the damage. You can call either (305) 373-3400 or (800) 698-3257 to get the latest update on the status of the Building.

9 EMERGENCY SYSTEMS TENANT RECOMMENDED ACTION PLAN Move important or valuable belongings to an interior office Raise blinds on all windows Power down all computer equipment and electrical equipment Close all exterior office doors Close and lock all entry doors Have an IT backup system in place Establish a communication network

10 Thank You for attending!!

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