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Rotary Finland © 2010 Markku Kalliomäki Suomen Rotary – Finlands Rotary ry Suomen Rotary – Finlands Rotary ry / Rotary Office Iso Roobertinkatu 9 C 17,

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1 Rotary Finland © 2010 Markku Kalliomäki Suomen Rotary – Finlands Rotary ry Suomen Rotary – Finlands Rotary ry / Rotary Office Iso Roobertinkatu 9 C 17, 00120 Helsinki * Phone 09-640078 * e-mail: Multidistrict administration and services

2 2 Multidistrict Administration Group (MDAG) Suomen Rotary – Finlands Rotary ry will be authorized by Rotary International every third year Multidistrict administration and services Suomen Rotary – Finlands Rotary ry

3 Members of Suomen Rotary- Rotary Finland ry  Six Districts (1380, 1390, 1400, 1410, 1420, 1430)  318 Clubs  12.200 Rotarians

4 4 Administration – General Assembly The General Assembly has the highest authority within the association GA representatives are Governors of the present Rotary year. Two GA meetings are held each Rotary year: The autumn General Assembly in October: - adopts the reports and finances for the previous period. - adopts the budget and plans for the next period. The spring General Assembly in October: - elects Chairman of the Board for the next period. - elects new Board members in place of retiring members

5 5 Administration – the Board  The Board is the executive organ deciding upon operative matters.  The Board is responsible to the General Assembly.  The Board members are chosen by and represent each district.  The Board membership is biennial.  The Board Chairman is elected annually.  Board meetings are held approximately six times per Rotary year.  Each Board members is nominated as a ”Godfather” of a some Committee.  General Secretary of Rotary Finland is elected for triennial periods to act as an assistant, preparer and secretary of the Board. He will also possess longer continuity in the Board.

6 6 Functional structures  Administrative tasks given to Rotary Finland by the districts.  Multidistrict tasks within the Youth Exchange.  Multidistrict activities of the Rotary Doctor Bank Finland (RDBF).  Activities common to all districts: Training Committee Publishing Committee ICT-committee Translation Committee TRF co-operative network  The annual national DGE-training (DGE-info).  Communication with similar organisations in the Nordic countries. The Multidistrict activities include:

7 77 05/2008 / MKa Suomen Rotary – Finlands Rotary (regsitered association) Organization and Functions

8 8 The Rotary Office, Finland History:  Suomen Rotary – Finlands Rotary (registered association) was founded in 1957 on proposal of the districts to serve them in administrative matters. The Rotary Office was founded in the same year.  In 1987, premises of its own were acquired for the Office.  For a long time the Rotary Office operated mainly administering the book-keeping for the districts. Since the early 2000’s the services of RF and the Rotary Office have been modernized as well as greatly widened.  The Rotary Office now employs two persons, the other one running financial operations, and the other one membership services for districts and clubs.  The day-to-day operations of RF and the Rotary Office are administered by the General Secretary of Rotary Finland, elected for periods of three years.

9 99  Managing the financial administration for RF, the districts, the Youth Exchange and the Doctor Bank (book-keeping, invoicing, reports).  Supervising and maintaining the RF membership register.  At will distribution of DG Monthly Letters as well as other announcements by e-mail or mail.  Giving ”Help desk” support to the districts and clubs regarding for example RF information systems.  Creating and maintaining various registers for posting and distribution purposes.  Copying agreed upon matters for the districts.  Creating address labels at will.  Distribution of Rotary printed matters.  Managing the RF archives.  Managing official reports and accounts to the national authorities. Tasks of the Rotary Office

10 10  Publishing Committee prepares and publishes the annual national Rotary directory and manages the public part of the RF website.  Training Committee prepares instructions and training material for districts and clubs.  ICT-committee is responsible for developing the RF IT-services.  Translation Committee administers translations and printing of agreed upon RI publications into Finnish, and is responsible for the Swedish part of the RF website, and supports other committees in translations.  TRF-co-operation network is the common Rotary Foundations forum for all districts. Committee activities of Rotary Finland

11 11 Rotary Finland banner Design: Marja Sarkkinen RC Oulun Tulli


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