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THE MIDDLE AGES: medieval art & heraldry shields Courtney Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MIDDLE AGES: medieval art & heraldry shields Courtney Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE MIDDLE AGES: medieval art & heraldry shields Courtney Miller

2 What is the Middle Ages?  1066-1485  Was the most turbulent period in English history  Was marked with the beginning of the building of the great English Castles.  The end of the Middle Ages was marked with the Black Death Plague.

3 Middle Ages:  DEFINITION: middle period between the decline of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance.

4 What was life like in the Middle Ages?  Feudal System- a system built around the exchange of land for service.  Noble, lord, a knight, a noblewoman, a peasant, peasant woman, a monk, a nun, etc.  Jobs dictated the quality of life.  Weapons: Every man was expected to be able to use weapons because peace was not very common.

5 Life in the Middle Ages:

6 What is Medieval Art? (art of the middle ages)  Vivid colors  No use of perspective  Figures convey emotions  Religious subjects/theme  All faces the same, unrealistic  Storytelling, either about religion or warfare.

7 Medieval/Renaissance Art

8 Artist:  Donatello  Leonardo Da Vinci  Michelangelo  Raphael  Botticelli

9 Donatello  Famous sculptor  From Florence, Italy

10 Michelangelo  Painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer

11 Botticelli  Italian painter

12 What is Heraldry?  Is both a science and an art form. Developed out of emblems and insignia bore upon shields and banners during battles.  Tracing of genealogies and determining and ruling on questions of rank.

13 Heraldry

14 Heraldry Symbols

15 Assignment:  Make your own heraldry shield. * make it personal- family crest, symbols, colors important to you. * write a one page paper explaining your reasoning behind your heraldry shield. * in the paper include what you learned about the middle ages and medieval art.

16 Resourceful websites:  


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