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INSTRUCTIONS. 1.How to view the agenda for the MBA.How to view the agenda for the MBA. 2.How to download MBA documents.How to download MBA documents.

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Presentation on theme: "INSTRUCTIONS. 1.How to view the agenda for the MBA.How to view the agenda for the MBA. 2.How to download MBA documents.How to download MBA documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSTRUCTIONS. 1.How to view the agenda for the MBA.How to view the agenda for the MBA. 2.How to download MBA documents.How to download MBA documents.

2 gemMBA Calendar: go to Add Favorites

3 Choose the month Monthly view

4 Weekly view Choose the week

5 Weekly view 5CH: Module and Code (5. Supply CHain Management) 7MRK: Module Code (7. MaRKeting) AA: Asynchronous Activity 10IN: Module Code (10. INnovation) WG: Work Group Asynchronous Activities (AA) do not require synchronization with the professor and students. They can be made individually from anywhere. Work Group (WG) is an activity that takes place in the classroom in working groups. The professor sets the work the group has to develop.

6 Clik to see more information Making clik on each avtivity you will find more information about it: address, teacher's instructions, recommendations, etc..

7 Asynchronous Activities (AA) do not require synchronization with the professor and students. They can be made individually from anywhere. Making clik on each AA you will find professor's instructions on work to develop: readings, case studies, exercises, papers, etc..

8 AA: Asynchronous Activities 1 2 35 4 When we have a full work week, with weekend sessions, we have to work on five AA (10 hours)

9 Access to Documents on Line Clik at Enter the following data: User : Password: MBA2013

10 Access to Documents on Line Clik to view content

11 Access to Documents on Line Clik to enlarge

12 Access to Documents on Line Click to download

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