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High-voltage nanoimprint lithography of refractory metal films Dr. John A. Dagata.

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Presentation on theme: "High-voltage nanoimprint lithography of refractory metal films Dr. John A. Dagata."— Presentation transcript:

1 High-voltage nanoimprint lithography of refractory metal films Dr. John A. Dagata

2 Benefits of nanoimprint lithography: Wafer-scale fabrication of micro/nanostructures Stamp – curable resist - thermal or laser energy source Advantages of incorporating an electric field: Induces a wide range of chemical reaction and mass transport mechanisms Beyond standard fab materials processing Functionalize organics  localize nanoparticles  oxidize metal films

3 Technology SPM oxidation of silicon [Appl. Phys. Lett. 56 2001 (1990)] Electric field induces a water meniscus between the probe tip and substrate Everything oxidizes above 10 8 V/m 500 nm 200 nm 100 nm Major drawback is low throughput

4 NTTJapan2003-2008silicon Univ Bologna-IMM Univ Bologna-Univ Barcelona Italy/Spain2003 2003-2008 silicon Mn 12 SMMs Weizmann Inst.Israel2003-2006SAMs NIST – Univ AkronUSA2004-2006Refractory metal films Tsing-hua UnivTaiwan2006Gold nanoparticles Overcome the throughput problem by extending a serial concept to a parallel one:

5 Commercial Applications: Photonic waveguides and crystals Optical communications Nanoelectromechanical systems Sensors/actuators Biochips ZrN/ZrO

6 Application: Fabrication of MRI calibration prototypes FeN Si Si stamp FeN 20 nm 10 µm SPM iron thin-film phantom 1000 um 100 um optical MRI 10 um MFM SPM

7 Collaboration Opportunities: CRADA SBIR For technical details see the poster: High-voltage nanoimprint lithography of refractory metal films N. Farkas, et al.

8 Contact Information: John A. Dagata Precision Engineering Division Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory National Institute of Standards & Technology 100 Bureau Drive MS 8212 Gaithersburg MD 20899-8212 301-975-3597 tel. 301-869-0822 fax

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