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Genetic Birth Defects By Darius Coulter 2 nd period Extra credit.

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1 Genetic Birth Defects By Darius Coulter 2 nd period Extra credit

2 Trimosy 18  A presence of three copies of chromosome 18 are copied instead of two.  It’s named after of John H.Edwards who first described it in 1960.

3 Can You Die From It?  You can actually from Trimosy 18  Most babies die before birth and the few that make it die within a few days of birth.

4 How Many Chromosomes Are the children born with?  A child with Trimosy 18 is born with 47 chromosomes with three copies of chromosome 18  The gamete has 24 chromosomes.  Most children are born with only 46 chromosomes.  23 from the father and 23 from the mother.

5 Does This Happen Often?  Very rarely does chromosome 18 attach itself to another chromosome which is called translocation before or after conception.

6 What’s The Affects Of Trimosy 18?  Infants born with Edwards Disease may have some of the following- kidney malfunction and structural heart defects at birth.

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