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Mr. Weiss Rules for AP Economics 1.To have as few rules as possible! 2.I choose to treat each of you as responsible young adults, and expect you to act.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Weiss Rules for AP Economics 1.To have as few rules as possible! 2.I choose to treat each of you as responsible young adults, and expect you to act."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mr. Weiss Rules for AP Economics 1.To have as few rules as possible! 2.I choose to treat each of you as responsible young adults, and expect you to act in such a manner. I doubt there will be any problem with this, but if there is I will deal with it on a one on one basis. 3.Ok…some actual rules….yes….I do have some…. 4.In your seat when the bell rings and ready for work. 5.Being absent is NEVER an excuse. You are responsible for all work, whether you are in class or not. 1.To have as few rules as possible! 2.I choose to treat each of you as responsible young adults, and expect you to act in such a manner. I doubt there will be any problem with this, but if there is I will deal with it on a one on one basis. 3.Ok…some actual rules….yes….I do have some…. 4.In your seat when the bell rings and ready for work. 5.Being absent is NEVER an excuse. You are responsible for all work, whether you are in class or not.

3 Mr. Weiss Rules for AP Economics. Friday articles are due on Friday and you will only get ½ credit for articles turned in late. They must be done before class starts. If you are absent on a Friday, you must turn in the article and summary on your first day back, or it will be considered late. If you do not have your name on the article summary, no points will be awarded. You will have a chance to get half credit if you “claim” your article in the no-name bin within one week of the time it is due. 6. Friday articles are due on Friday and you will only get ½ credit for articles turned in late. They must be done before class starts. If you are absent on a Friday, you must turn in the article and summary on your first day back, or it will be considered late. If you do not have your name on the article summary, no points will be awarded. You will have a chance to get half credit if you “claim” your article in the no-name bin within one week of the time it is due. 7. You must use the form provided for the article summary, or a reasonable copy you have made on your computer.

4 Mr. Weiss Rules for AP Economics 8. This class will be run as a college class…this means you will be given that kind of freedom, and that amount of responsibility. I will not be checking up on you each and every day. It is expected that you are doing all assignments when assigned. Test day will show me who is doing this and who is not. 9. If you miss a test, you have one week from the time you returned to make it up, and you may not make it up during regular class time.

5 Mr. Weiss Rules for AP Economics 10. Bathrooms…yes…we have bathrooms! 11. The ultimate goal of this class is to have each of you get a great grade on the AP Economics Exam and/or the Economics CLEP Exam. Each of you will do the work to prepare yourself, sign up for the exams, and get a great grade! 12. No cell phones are allowed to be seen in the class. If your phone is in your purse, backpack, etc, it must be turned off. Any violation of this policy will result in your phone being given to the teacher. AP® CLEP®

6 Mr. Weiss Rules for AP Economics 13. TEST DAYS: On Test days all of your belongings except your pencil, scantron and notebook paper need to be put in the middle of the room until you are done with the test. You may not use the bathroom until you are done with a test. Please – no talking during a test.

7 Mr. Weiss Rules for AP Economics

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