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Point source analysis with tracks and showers Aart, Javier, Tino 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Point source analysis with tracks and showers Aart, Javier, Tino 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point source analysis with tracks and showers Aart, Javier, Tino 1

2 History Groundwork search method laid by S. Schulte Potential for shower-resolution shown in Oujda Two codes developed: aashowerfit, Tantra – Converged to very similar ideas & performance – Go with Tantra – Factor 5 speed-up achieved recently Process all data Process all MC (>100000 files!) 2

3 Reminder: resolution 3

4 Data and MC All periods processed! All runs processed. But: discovered an issue with the numu candidate selection -Not a problem -> results can be based on previous numu event-list -But some data/mc comparisons for the muon channel will change a bit after today. -Shower events not affected -No plots today spedific for 2013 (but it’s included). Showing only selection of plots today. See for many, many more plots: 4

5 Data/mc agreement after loose preselection (muon variables) Preselection On lamba At this cutlevel: less data overall Improves for more stringent cuts Selection cut For numu Shower candidates + data -- All MC -- Mupage -- Nu-mu CC -- Nu-e CC -- NC 5

6 Data/mc agreement after loose preselection (muon variables) + data -- All MC -- Mupage -- Nu-mu CC -- Nu-e CC -- NC 6

7 Data/mc agreement after loose preselection (shower variables)  Likelihood ratio (see ischia)  Structures >0 due to binning in likelihood histogram  Peak at -100 is artifact (understood)  Very nicely modeled in MC!! At this cutlevel: less data overall Improves for more stringent cuts 7

8 Data/mc agreement after loose preselection (shower variables) Concern? + data -- All MC -- Mupage -- Nu-mu CC -- Nu-e CC -- NC 8

9 Data/mc agreement after loose preselection (shower variables) 9

10 shower selection cuts - contained (250 m in z, 300 in r) - angular error < 10 - M-estimator of position fit < 1000 - mu-nu likelihood ratio : < 400 if cos(theta-aafit) < 0.2 (down) 0.2 (up) -gridfitratio + nhits elipical variable > 1 - chargeratio < 0.05 - cos(theta-shower) > 0.2 (up) Set of cuts to reduce background In shower channel to vew-100 Acceptance (see later): ~30 of track channel for E-2 -> muon background now under controll!! (can reduce more if needed) -> but long list, many variables. Will do more checks on modeling of these variables and cuts. 10

11 Data/mc agreement after shower selection (shower variables) To be checked 11

12 Data/mc agreement after shower selection (shower variables) 12

13 Data/mc agreement after shower selection (shower variables) 13

14 Measuring the shower resolution in data Isolate sample of well-rec muons, which are also reconstructed as shower. Nb: – track direction is fitted using only timing information – Shower direction is fitted using only amplitude information Assumption: in a subset of events, the shower fit has fitted a real EM shower occurring along the muon track. -> We know the true shower direction from the track fit! 14

15 Measuring the shower resolution in data Track: Lamda > -5.8 Shower: error est. < 10 deg Shower: gridfitratio+nhits cut Normalisations arbitrary 15

16 Measuring the shower resolution in data Track: Lamda > -5.8 Shower: error est. < 10 deg Shower: gridfitratio+nhits cut 4 deg! Besides 20% normalisation, excellent agreement Data/mc -> we can trust the resolutions from MC 16

17 Acceptance (E -2 ) Showers contribute ~30% to the event sample showers tracks 17

18 Pseudo-experiments -- Fit finding correct number of injected signal (track+shower) events -- S/b seperatation look good by eye -- todo: detailed comparison with muon-only analysis 18

19 sensitivity -Sensitivity in terms of number of events significantly worse than for muons only (=around 2). -- expected to some level, but suspect this can be improved - flux sensitivity ~same as for muons only at this stage  to be checked in next few days Nevents E-2 Flux (usual units) 19

20 Blinded skymap Green = track Red = shower 20

21 Done/todo/plan Done: -Processed all the data and all the MC -Have control over muon background in shower channel (can optimize) -Pseudo-experiments running with real ingredients from full MC & data sets -Results (sensitivity) is there. Also have discovery potential todo Re-check event samples & cuts, get muons from existing productions (only to make plots/investigate 2013… for the skymap, we can use existing list) Understand pseudo-experiments / sensitivity better Full sky Search discovery potential Finalize candidate list + other resutls plan First version Internal note ready june 7 Conference note ready june 15 unblind shortly after – Depends on questions/issues arising – For us would be ok to submit icrc paper while blinded and show result on conference (can also update until July 27) 21

22 Results to be produced Full-sky search + significance Candidate list : post-trial significance + limit on each source – Based on old one, + additions from IC+Antares analysis – List to be finalized before unblinding; – IC trakcs? – input welcome – Spectra? Extended morphology + custom E-spectrum: RXJ, Vela-X, Gal. Center (?) 22

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