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Aims, Intentions, Goals, Objectives, Outcomes, and Competencies 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Aims, Intentions, Goals, Objectives, Outcomes, and Competencies 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aims, Intentions, Goals, Objectives, Outcomes, and Competencies 1

2 Making Sense of all the Terms 2

3 Aims Learning Outcomes Competencies 3

4 What do you think Aims and Outcomes are and why are they important? 4 Talk in your teams and try to come up with a definition for each and why they might be important

5 Aims Learning Outcomes Competencies Assessment Strategies Teaching and Learning Activities 5 Fink’s Significant Learning Integrated Course Design

6 Bologna and Accreditors 6

7 Aims 7 Aims are expressed from the viewpoint of the teacher – what the teacher is trying to achieve. This is your opportunity to really express your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Aims can be more vague and aspirational then learning outcomes.

8 Aims The aims of this module is…… to raise awareness of… to foster curiosity about… to develop skills necessary for… to help participants towards… to lead to an appreciation of… to encourage commitment to… to develop interest in… to improve efficiency in… to enhance skill in… 8

9 The aim of this section is to foster an appreciation of the benefits of aims and develop skills in writing them. 9

10 Aims Writing Activity 10

11 Aims Activity Debrief 11

12 Benjamin Bloom 12

13 Benjamin Bloom Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor Domains 13

14 Cognitive Domain (1956) 14 Create Evaluate Analyze Apply Understand Remember

15 Affective Domain (1973) 15 Acting on Values Organization Valuing Responding Receiving

16 Psychomotor Domain (1972) 16 Adapting Practicing Imitating Observing

17 Bloom’s Level Matching Activity 17

18 Introduction to Learning Outcomes 18

19 Robert Mager 3 component Objectives Outcomes Observable and Assessable 19

20 Robert Mager 20 Action verb – What will the learner be doing? Condition – What conditions will you impose? Criteria – How will you recognize success?

21 Write a business letter, in 20 minutes, with less than 3 errors 21 Criteria Action Verb Condition

22 ABCD model Audience Behaviour Condition Degree 22

23 Given a standard sentence, the English 101 student should be able to identify the noun and verb without error. 23 A B C D Audience Behavior Condition Degree

24 Given an assortment of EMS equipment to pick from, the paramedic should be able to identify all of the equipment necessary to perform rapid sequence intubation without error. 24 A B C D Audience Behavior Condition Degree

25 Program, Course, and Module Outcomes 25

26 At the end of this module participants will be able to: 26 Appreciate the benefits of creating learning outcomes for a module List four elements of a well designed learning outcome Recognize these elements in an example

27 Learning Outcomes Writing Activity 27

28 Learning Outcomes Writing Activity Debrief 28

29 Some difficulties with Learning Outcomes 29

30 Why creating Learning Outcomes is worth your time and effort 30

31 Lunch 31

32 Competencies 32

33 Discussion Question: What do competencies mean to you? Create a 2-3 sentence definition (10 minutes) 33

34 Competency represent a combination of attributes (with respect to knowledge and its application, skills, responsibilities, and attitudes) and are used describe the level or extent to which a person is capable of performing them. 34 From Introducing Bologna Objectives and Tools

35 Accreditors not just interested in Competencies – but whole system that develops and assesses them 35

36 Outcomes assessment process in plain language: 36 Define Learning Outcomes Align curricula with Learning Outcomes Figure out how to measure Outcomes Measure, analyze and disseminate Create a continuous improvement plan Based on AACSB

37 Generic Set of Competencies 37 Knowledge base Disciplinary techniques Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Ethics and Professionalism Teams Communication World view Life-long Learning

38 Individuals – List 5 things you expect students to know at the end of your course. How are you currently assessing that they know these things Teams – compare lists and strategies for assessment – Are there other ways we could measure knowledge? Whole Group – Discussion about assessing knowledge base, list strategies that people are commonly using Knowledge base 38

39 Disciplinary techniques 39 Individuals – List some of the major techniques that are unique to your discipline. Think of what an expert in the discipline routinely does – the kinds of questions and problems they are ask to solve and how they do it. How are you developing these skills in your students and how are you assessing them? Team – do some comparison of techniques and assessment strategies? Whole Group – Discussion about disciplinary techniques, list some of the strategies that people are commonly using

40 Teams – What is it Critical Thinking? How is Problem Solving different than CT? How is it the same? How can we develop it and assess it? Whole Class – Debrief Critical Thinking/Problem Solving 40

41 Teams - one sentence definition for each Teams - How do we develop it in our students and how can we assess it? Whole Class – Debrief Ethics and Professionalism 41

42 Teams – short list – what does teamwork mean to you and what does it mean to accreditors? Is there a difference? How do we develop it in our students and how can we assess it? Whole Group – Debrief Working in Teams 42

43 Teams – What are the hallmarks of effective communication? – short list Teams - How do we develop it in our students and how can we assess it? What do you think our accreditors looking for? Whole Group – Debrief Communication 43

44 Teams – What is important for students to know and do having a broader worldview? Create a short list Teams - How do we develop it in our students and how can we assess it? Whole Group – Debrief World view 44

45 Teams – list of skills and attributes for a successful life-long learner Teams - How do we develop these skills in our students and how can we assess them? Whole Group – Debrief Life-long Learning 45

46 Accreditation Stories 46

47 Close and bridge to tomorrow 47

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