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“Naval Design Goes Green” 2.3 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Manuel Ruiz de Elvira 3 rd European Maritime Day Gijón – 20 May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "“Naval Design Goes Green” 2.3 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Manuel Ruiz de Elvira 3 rd European Maritime Day Gijón – 20 May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Naval Design Goes Green” 2.3 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Manuel Ruiz de Elvira 3 rd European Maritime Day Gijón – 20 May 2010

2 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design From where to… where? Design vs. Life cycle Stages and Actions

3 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design The Design Process Set an example in the first step. Ability to provide a better and more efficient product. Look beyond the yard.

4 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Design for efficiency Use of green energies for propulsion. Auxiliary power. Reduce power requirements Energy recovery

5 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Construction Alternatives to conventional GRP. Looking back at nature. –Green matrices –“New” Reinforcements Construction with recycled materials. Managing industrial waste.

6 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Construction

7 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Operating in a “green” way Waste management.

8 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Operating in a “green” way Clean propulsion. The example or interior waters. Assisted main and auxiliary power. The design concept effect on efficiency. Reducing power requirements. Friction reduction.

9 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Operating in a “green” way

10 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design Operating in a “green” way Anti fouling. Departing from copper or TBT based solutions. Are biocides really needed? Ablative solutions. Acting on the interface materials. The ultrasonic solutions. Nature’s example.

11 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design At the end of the yacht’s life How we get there. An example. Graveyard marinas. Administrations control and help.

12 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design At the end of the yacht’s life Recycling: the GRP coming problem. Working solutions. Volume. Finding incentives and inducers.

13 The Challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design The challenges for a Sustainable Yacht Design  Design for a life cycle

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