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PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS (PSA). What is a PSA  Short messages produced on film, videotape, DVD, CD, audiotape, or as a computer file and given to.

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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS (PSA). What is a PSA  Short messages produced on film, videotape, DVD, CD, audiotape, or as a computer file and given to."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a PSA  Short messages produced on film, videotape, DVD, CD, audiotape, or as a computer file and given to radio and television stations

3 Advantages of Using PSAs  Generally inexpensive  Most places allow designer to include a telephone number for listeners/viewers to get more info  Tend to be really effective at encouraging the audience to do something  Can raise awareness in your issue

4 When to use them  Nonprofit organization  Specific announcement to make  Time and place of a meeting/event  Clear and easy-to-understand issue  Requesting a specific action  Going to be part of a larger media campaign

5 Before Writing a PSA  Decide upon clarity and purpose of PSA  What are your goals here?  What do you want to accomplish?  Survey your media outlets to best reach the audience  Prioritize your media outlets  Is your audience more likely to turn on a station that show: sports or prime time drama, country or rap, etc.  When will your audience be most likely to tune into these stations

6 Writing a PSA  Language should be simple and vivid  Content should have the right “hooks”  Phrases or words to grab audience attention  Should request a specific action  Choose points to focus on  Brain storm  Check your facts  Identify a “hook”  Funny  Catchy Music  Shocking statistic  Emotional Appeal

7 Guidelines  10 seconds = 20-25 words  15 seconds = 30-35 words  20 seconds = 40-50 words  30 seconds = 60-75 words

8 Sample Radio Station PSA Script Use: Immediate: TFN* Time: 20 seconds Agency: Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Title: “Day of Compassion” Main Point: Day of Compassion will be held June 20 Fifteen years ago, most people thought it couldn’t happen to them. Today we know better. AIDS has taken more than 320,000 lives nationwide. It could happen to someone you love. Turn on your radio or TV on June 20 th and experience a Day of Compassion. It could save lives. Be aware. Be safe. Be compassionate. ### TFN – Until Further Notice

9 Lets look at some PSA’s    connects-psas/ connects-psas/     name=Shelter%20Pet%20Adoption&id=379&view=2 &fr=0&sortBy=distributionDate name=Shelter%20Pet%20Adoption&id=379&view=2 &fr=0&sortBy=distributionDate

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