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Changing Library Operations Credo Reference Survey

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Presentation on theme: "Changing Library Operations Credo Reference Survey"— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing Library Operations Credo Reference Survey

2 Speakers Allen McKiel Dean of Library Services, Western Oregon University Jim Dooley Head of Collection Services, University of California, Merced Robert Murdoch Assist. U. Librarian, Collection Dev & Tech Services, Brigham Young University

3 Credo Survey Participation ATG Article June, 2015 Two parallel sets of survey questions for faculty (472 respondents) and student (2,606) 90% undergraduate from a representative spread of majors 50% of faculty taught over 10 years from a representative sampling of disciplines Majority of responses from about 12 institutions— half universities and half 2 & 4 year colleges

4 F/S: How often do you think your students, on average, use the library to do research or ask for help (not including studying, typing papers, printing, etc)? Answer Choices Responses - Faculty Responses -Students At least once a week15 %32 % At least once a month31 %29 % At least once a semester53 %38 % Total Responses4242,477

5 F/S: Where do you think students start their research? Answer ChoicesFacultyStudents Library - article databases7 %26 % Library - catalog1 %17 % Library - encyclopedias1 % Web - Google72 %48 % Web - Wikipedia10 %2 % Class materials (textbook, notes, etc.)9 %4 % Other (Students only)2 % Total Respondents3922,315

6 F/S: Do you give your students guidance on sources to use for research? Answer ChoicesFacultyStudents Never3 %5 % Sometimes24 %46 % Frequently32 %37 % Always42 %12 % Total Respondents4252,513

7 S: Who do you ask for help when you have a research assignment? Answer ChoicesResponses Your Professor51 % Classmate18 % Librarian11 % Friend9 % Family member6 % Other (please specify)5 % Total Respondents2,305

8 S: Have you received other types of instruction in research skills from a professor or librarian? Select all that apply: Answer ChoicesResponses English class (Professor)73 % Other class (Professor)35 % Library presentation in your class (Librarian)35 % English class (Librarian)27 % One-on-one help from Professor25 % Freshman Orientation24 % Workshop in library13 % One-on-one help from librarian13 % Other (please specify)5 % Total Respondents: 2,223

9 F: Have you or a librarian given students instruction in research skills in your class? Answer Choices Responses Yes - I have 34 % Yes - Librarian 18 % Yes - Both 30 % No 18 % Total Respondents 374

10 S: How useful was the research skills instruction you received? Answer Choices Responses Not useful at all 3 % Somewhat useful 30 % Pretty useful 47 % Very useful 21 % Total Respondents 2,214

11 S: How important is doing research to your field of study? Answer Choices Responses Very important 62 % Somewhat important 33 % Not important 5 % Total Respondents 2,256

12 F: If you provide research skills instruction - why do you teach it? Select all that apply: Answer ChoicesResponses Responding to a lack of research skills 72 % Necessary in your discipline 47 % Responding to student requests 29 % I do not provide this instruction 11 % Mandated by your institution 9 % Total Respondents 362

13 Summary Table Ranking of Percentages of Faculty and Student Confidence of Student Skills ( ‘confident’ + ‘very confident’) Student Skills StudentsFaculty Understanding the ethics of using info. 7124 Choosing a topic 7041 Incorporating sources into your paper 6724 Using scholarly information 6718 Searching library databases 6026 Narrowing a broad topic 5920 Writing a thesis statement 5717 Properly citing your sources 5722 Evaluating the authority of a source 5316 Average across skills – 39% difference 6223 Total Responses 2,317383

14 F: Do you use any of the following to deliver research skills instruction? Select all that apply: Answer Choices Responses Instructions on a research assignment 72 % Lecture 68 % In-class practice 53 % Syllabus 49 % Homework practice 45 % Supplemental multimedia or tutorials 41 % Learning Management System 34 % Total Respondents 348

15 S: Since you have started college, what is the most useful thing you have learned about how to do research? (Open Ended Question) Most Common Verbs # of Times Use 307 Find 268 Most Common Nouns # of Times Sources 495 Library 260 Database 254 Time 69 Wikipedia 43 Total Responses 1,966

16 F: How does a lack of student skills in this area impact your work as an instructor? (Open Ended Question) Most Common Words # of Times Time 112 More 66 Research 67 Content 14 Total Responses 326

17 F/S: What do you think is the best method for students to learn these skills? Answer Choices FacultyStudent Instructors teach skills in disciplines 31 %32 % Take a research skills course 25 % Online tutorials/videos on-demand 9 %20 % Librarian visits to all classes with research 17 %9 % Research consultations with a librarian 10 % Other (please explain) 9 %4 % Total Respondents 3732,254

18 F: How big of an impact did the research skills instruction have on the quality of your students' work? Answer Choices Responses No impact 5 % A small impact 27 % A moderate impact 50 % A major impact 19 % Total Respondents 354

19 Some Takeaways Students and faculty have differing perceptions Library use vs. Google Research skill level Content instructors provide most of the research skills instruction. Instruction occurs in association with particular assignments. Faculty resent having to provide it. The top student choices for instruction are from the course instructor, an IL course, or from online/on demand tutorials.

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