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Working Within a Curriculum “The school of hard knocks is an accelerated curriculum” Menander of Athens.

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2 Working Within a Curriculum “The school of hard knocks is an accelerated curriculum” Menander of Athens

3 Some preliminaries… A warm-up puzzle… A “mini-lesson”

4 “Mini-lesson Post Mortem” What aspects of “scientific literacy” were introduced in the mini- lesson? What curricular emphases did you “detect”? When did the “mini- lesson” start? Was there an aesthetic aspect á la Seerveld?

5 Curricular Emphases in the Alberta Science Curriculum Group task: identify how curricular emphases are addressed within the Alberta Curriculum. What are the ones identified Group task: what are the “foundations” upon which the Alberta Science program of studies is built?


7 Curricular emphases are identified as “unit emphases” and fall within the STS foundation

8 An interlude… Looking at textbooks from the past 160 years!

9 Discussion… How can we craft a lesson to “honour” the curriculum for this!!? Develop 2 (at least) different scenarios in which you: block-out the lesson with a flow-chart Identify what foundational aspects you are addressing What emphasis could (or should?) you give this How can you address some of Seerveld’s aesthetic dimensions here? Problem: You need to craft a 30 minute lesson in physics (motion) that teaches the acceleration-distance formula Useful links - The King’s Centre for Visualization in ScienceThe King’s Centre for Visualization in Science – Modular Approach to PhysicsModular Approach to Physics


11 Here’s one way… Central “problem” – In Jules Verne’s Voyage to the Moon the proposal is to fire a space capsule From a 300 m long canon so that the speed is 12 km/s as it leaves the canon. Would the inhabitants survive? Rich context, STS and a hook! Unpack the physics, either derive or explain why this is the easiest approach for the information provided Amplify by several practice instances Address motivating problem answer Summarize – recap why we have different formulas and when to use them

12 But Officer!… the physics of intersections A Rich Context Problem

13 Have you ever... Approached an intersection when the light changed from green to yellow and: –knew you couldn’t stop –knew there was no-way that you could make it through Are there real “dilemma” zones in all or some intersections?

14 Do Dilemma Zones Exist? What condition would tell us whether or not dilemma zones really do happen? I don’t know what to do! I’m too close to stop and too far away to get through - YIKES!

15 Negotiating an Intersection... There are two scenarios we must consider: –stopping safely –making it through safely

16 Safe Stopping... Parameters that will affect this: –maximum rate of deceleration (a d ) –reaction time (t R ) Variables to consider: –initial speed of car ( v i ) –distance from the intersection Put this into EXCEL

17 Safe “Going-For-It”... Parameters that will affect this: –maximum rate of acceleration (a) –reaction time (t R ) –duration of yellow light (t Y ) –length of car (L) –width of intersection (W) Variables to consider: –initial speed of car ( v i ) –distance from the intersection Put this into EXCEL

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