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Inspecto rate Number of SchoolsNumber of Teachers Number of students JBSBTOTAL TTAA DC State Govt. SSATotal TOTAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Inspecto rate Number of SchoolsNumber of Teachers Number of students JBSBTOTAL TTAA DC State Govt. SSATotal TOTAL."— Presentation transcript:



3 Inspecto rate Number of SchoolsNumber of Teachers Number of students JBSBTOTAL TTAA DC State Govt. SSATotal TOTAL

4 Name of Stipend / Scholarship FundNumber of students ReallocatedUtilizedTargetAchievement Dress Grant for SC / ST Girls @ Rs. 40/- per annum for classes III to V and @ Rs. 50/- per annum for classes VI to VIII Attendance Scholarship for SC / ST Girls @ Rs. 25/- per annum for classes II to VIII Dress Grant for Religious Minority Girls @ Rs. 500/- per annum for classes I to VIII Merit Stipend for students of Class VI selected by SCERT @ Rs. 200 per month

5 Name of Office GeneralSSAMDM Cash in hand Cash in Bank TOTAL Cash in hand Cash in Bank TOTAL Cash in hand Cash in Bank TOTAL DEO Office Inspectorates District Total

6 Inspecto rate Number of visits conducted Follow-up actions taken based on the reports of the visits By State level Officers /Officials By District level Officers / Officials By Block level Officers /Officials TOTA L Sus pen sion Show- cause notice issued Dies -non Pay held up TOTA L


8 Inspecto rate Financial PositionACRCWSN ToiletMajor Repair Fund placedExpenditureTargetAch.TargetAch.TargetAch. TOTAL

9 Inspectorate Financial Position New PS for Reang Migrants ACR for Upgraded UPS Fund placedExpenditureTargetAch.TargetAch. TOTAL

10 Inspectorate No. of Govt. & Govt.-aided schools Textbooks Distributed Textbooks not distributed PryUp Pry TOTAL

11 Inspectora te TargetAchievement Undistrib uted if any Phy. Fin. (In Lakh Rs.) Phy. Fin. (In Lakh Rs.) TOTAL

12 Inspect orate Report Card Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat (PBBB) No. of schools covered under School Perform ance Paramet er (SPP) Quality Monitori ng Tools (QMT) Submitt ed up to Teacher Performance Indicators (PINDICS) Target Achieve ment No. of school Reading Corner establis hed No. of schools Reading Corner function al Whether specific time allotted for Reading Corner in class routine No. of school covered No. of teacher s covered TOTAL

13 Inspectora te Name of school under CAL Year of sanction No. of Computer available Whether CAL is functional (Y/N) If not functional give reasons Functional Non functional TOTAL

14  5% of Government schools to be covered under RAA during 2016-17 Total Number of Government Primary and Upper Primary Schools in the District 5% of total schools (value) Mention the name of (5%) schools selected for RAA having good noumber of students in each class and having Science and Math teacher 181522 291623 3101724 4111825 5121926 6132027 7142128

15 District Untrained teachers enrolled in 2 nd Year course in 2015 Untrained teachers to be enrolled in 1 st Year course in 2016 Total untrained teachers yet to be enrolled in 2 years’ course Dhalai3581235 Unakoti264282 North202718 Gomati540452 South454694 West608565 Sepahijala282971 Khowai225929 TOTAL29335846

16 ClassesTargetAchievement Classes I & II Classes III, IV & V Classes VI, VII & VIII TOTAL ClassesTargetAchievement Classes I & II Classes III, IV & V Classes VI, VII & VIII TOTAL TargetAchievement

17 District Number of BRCs BRPs/URPsSchool Visits Sanctioned Posts Men in Position Target Achieveme nt Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahijala Khowai TOTAL

18 District Number of CRCs CRPsSchool Visits Sanctioned Posts Men in Position Target Achieveme nt Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahijala Khowai TOTAL

19 District Number of new BRCs sanctioned in 2015-16 Number of new BRCs made functional Number of new BRCs not yet made functional Remarks Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahijala Khowai TOTAL

20 District Number of SMCs TargetAchievement Phyysical Financial (Lakh Rupees) Physical Financial (Lakh Rupees) Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahijala Khowai TOTAL

21 District Disability Assessment Camps Provision of Assistive Devices to CWSN 2-day Training of Teachers and RPs on identification of CWSN TargetAchievementTargetAchievementTargetAchievement Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahijala Khowai TOTAL

22 District Provision of Transport Allowance to CWSN Provision of Escort Allowance to CWSN Number of IE Volunteers working TargetAchievementTargetAchievement Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahijala Khowai TOTAL

23 District Number of CWSN being provided Home-Based Education TargetAchievement ContinuingFreshTotalContinuingFreshTotal Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahijala Khowai TOTAL

24 District Upgradation of Primary Schools Number of students in Class VI in such schools TargetAchievement Dhalai9 Gomati4 South2 TOTAL15

25 Hostel Fund received Expendi ture Intake capacity Present number of occupants Ganganagar ST Boys’ Residential Hostel (Dhalai) 50 North Nalichara SC Girls’ Hostel (Dhalai) 50 Tongthou Para ST Residential Hostel (Boys & Girls) (North) 50 Fulbari RM Girls’ Residential Hostel (North) 50 Dasarath Deb Memorial ST Girls’ Residential Hostel (South) 50 TOTAL250

26 District Target Achievement Mainstre aming Fresh Conti nuing TotalFresh Conti nuing Total Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahija la Khowai TOTAL

27 Distric t TargetAchievement FreshCont. TOTAL FreshCont. TOTAL 12 mnth6 mnth12 mnth 6 mnth12 mnth Dhalai Unakoti North Gomati South West Sepahij ala Khowai TOTAL

28 KGBV attached to Fund Received Expen diture upto 31/01/ 16 Balance as on 31/01/ 16 Opening Balance (as on 01/04/15) Fund received upto 31/01/16 Total fund available Durbajoy Chowdhury Para High Hezacharra High Ganganagar High Paiza Govt. High Barcherra SB Haripur High Patichari High Hezachari High Laxmanpara High TOTAL

29 Activity Coverage Fund Approv ed in 2015- 16 Expend iture upto 31/01/ 16 No. of Blocks No. of Schools No. of Children Self Defence Training Inculcating reading habit among children Popularizing Math and Science Education Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign TOTAL


31 Inspectorate Average attendance in % Primary (I to V)Upper Primary (VI to VIII) District average

32 Inspect orate Good-grains (Rice) in MT Total allocationLiftedUtilizedBalance Pry.U. Pry.Pry.U. Pry.Pry.U. Pry.Pry.U. Pry. District Total

33 Inspec torate No. of schools for which fund received Fund received LPG Cooking system procured LPG Cooking system not procured Reaso ns Pry.U. Pry.Pry.U. Pry.Pry.U. Pry.Pry.U. Pry. District Total

34 Inspectorate No. of schools where dining hall available No. of schools where kitchen garden available Drinking Water AvailableNot available District Total

35 Inspectorate Number of cook- cum-helpers engaged Number of trained cook-cum-helpers Number of untrained cook- cum-helpers District Total

36 Inspecto rate Number of visits conducted Follow-up actions taken based on the reports of the visits By State level Officers /Officials By District level Officers / Officials By Block level Officers /Officials TOTA L Sus pen sion Show- cause notice issued Dies -non Pay held up TOTA L

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