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Index case pre Christmas Quiz Year 2. How much can you remember from the summer?

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Presentation on theme: "Index case pre Christmas Quiz Year 2. How much can you remember from the summer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Index case pre Christmas Quiz Year 2

2 How much can you remember from the summer?

3 A man of 55 is seen and complains of…. Abdominal pain for 12 hours Vomiting Abdominal bloating Not passing wind 5 CAUSES ? MANAGEMENT?

4 This man has been feeling sick for 5 days What do you see What are the possible causes? Which blood tests might help? What sort of imaging might help?

5 This woman has had sudden lower abdominal pain and vomiting List 4 possible causes For each one suggest a diagnostic feature What tests might you do?

6 This man has had progressive leg pain and is now waking at night with pain What do you see ? What will you do for him? What can be done in the long term?

7 This woman presents with a recurrent cough Comment on the x ray? What is likely diagnosis? Which extra thoracic symptoms/signs might you find 2 causes

8 This man was admitted after a fall and is drowsy What is the image? What abnormality can you see? Suggest 3 underlying causes for his fall Management? What are the three main types of this condition?

9 This young man was admitted drowsy and aggressive What are the possible causes? What assessment will you make? How will you manage him?

10 This man developed sudden and severe back pain What is the most likely diagnosis? What causes do you know? Management?

11 This man is found to have a blood pressure of 150/102 Treatable causes? Clinical assessment? Investigations? What are the treatment options? Why do we treat him?

12 This is his ECG

13 This lady has become short of breath – why?

14 This man has been blacking out

15 This man is seen in the emergency surgery with chest tightness

16 Outline his management In the surgery immediately When he arrives in hospital When he leaves hospital

17 A man of 80 is waking up at night short of breath On examination pulse 80 irregularly irregular JVP Plus 4cm Ankle oedema Apical pansystolic murmur Chest – bilateral basal lung crackles

18 A man of 80 is waking up at night short of breath What is the likely diagnosis What are the commonest causes What causes the systolic murmur What medications should he be taking?

19 This man has developed exertional SOB and has been blacking out Pulse is 70 slow upstroke Ejection systolic murmur at this area How do you accentuate it and where might it radiate to? Complications and causes of this problem

20 This woman has been tired and gained weight She has dry skin Increasing constipation What might you find on examination? What tests would you arrange? What is the treatment of choice and how is it monitored?

21 This young man has a cough and haemoptysis with a fever of 40 What clinical SIGNS might he have? What are the likely causes? What treatment would he need?

22 This lady is short of breath PMH Ectopic pregnancy Breast Ca 1992 What is this likely to be? What would the signs be? What are the possible causes

23 Explain the causes of this logically

24 Spot the swollen leg……why is this? Suggest two causes For one: What are the main reasons for this developing and how do you manage it?

25 So now what? Getting from this to this…………….

26 What will help next term? Can we have some feedback on index cases? What would students find helpful next term

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