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Teaching and Assessing for Learning – The schools’ curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching and Assessing for Learning – The schools’ curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching and Assessing for Learning – The schools’ curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Col. John Wheeler and Taft Middle Schools Principals – Tim Vassar and Michael Hazen Asst. Principals – David Vode and David Demaree

2 ISTEP - %passing trends

3 ISTEP - %passing trends

4 ISTEP - %passing Longitudinal Data: 2008-2013 (new school in 2007)

5 ISTEP - %passing trends

6 ISTEP - %passing trends

7 ISTEP - %passing Longitudinal Data: 2007-2013

8 The curriculum is the same for both schools Core Subjects = Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, RtI period Encore Subjects = Physical Education, Health, Family and Consumer Science, Industrial Technology Education, Exploring Music, Visual Arts Electives – Band, Choir, Orchestra Working on completing common learning goals for common courses

9 6 th grade honors Math: covers 7 th grade standards for both current 6 th graders and qualifying elementary students. 6 th grade Honors Language Arts: covers 7 th grade standards for both current 6 th graders and qualifying elementary students. 7 th & 8 th grade Honors Math with 8 th grade taking Algebra. Several 8 th graders have taken Honors Biology, English Honors 9, and Honors Geometry for credit through CPHS.

10 Multiple Assessments = Informal, Formative, Summative, Acuity Predictive, Star Reading, Star Math, ISTEP+, ACT Explore Common assessments complete in most courses Emphasis is on using informal and formative assessments to guide instruction (balanced assessment plan)

11 Teachers write daily learning goals for each class Long-term goals are written for each class Department and grade levels collaborate to establish long-term learning goals Technology utilized throughout the schools


13 iObservation evaluation system Multiple classroom observations and teacher conferences Student achievement and student growth is paramount Teacher effectiveness ratings

14 Daily academic team planning period Articulation activities/tasks Preparation of common assessment Focused professional development

15 Students are informed of both daily and long-term learning goals Assessment data used to inform instruction and curriculum decisions Feedback to students in a timely manner Modification of instruction RTI Tiered Classes

16 Corporation-wide teacher induction program Mentor teachers assigned as necessary High expectations are communicated

17 Team websites Team emails Parent portal on RDS system School newsletters

18 True Middle School Concept of teaming Schools within a school Smaller learning communities Building appropriate student relationships is vital

19 In need of common grading practices as to emphasis on what grades mean Truth in grading must be achieved Grade reporting is adequate

20 Col. John Wheeler’s “Menu of Options” Late start Wednesdays Articulation opportunities Department meetings Leadership meetings

21 Col. John Wheeler’s “Menu of Options” Late start Wednesdays Articulation opportunities Department meetings Leadership meetings

22 Guidance department personnel PBIS personnel ELL Special education services

23 Teaching and Assessing for Learning – The schools’ curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.

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