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Keeping up-to-date with the literature Ljilja Ristic & Linda Atkinson November 2008 WISER Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping up-to-date with the literature Ljilja Ristic & Linda Atkinson November 2008 WISER Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping up-to-date with the literature Ljilja Ristic & Linda Atkinson November 2008 WISER Science

2  Introduce different ways of keeping up to date with latest research  Present a range of e-resources of interest  Show different types of Alerts  Demonstrate how to set up updates and alerts Session Overview

3 Oxlip+ Oxlip+ - Oxford University e-resources The search engine provides the following tools:  Find resource by title or subject  Crossearch multiple sources  My Resources space

4 E- resources at Oxford Oxlip+ platform:  Bibliographic databases  Electronic journals  Conference Proceedings  General and reference material  Information Gateways  Internet resources (quality assessed)  Standards


6 Alerts  Database search alerts Alerts, My Profile, Saved searches, E-mail updates, RSS feeds …  Journal contents alerts Current issue alerts, Journal alerts, journal contents page…

7 Accessing e-resources  Direct access from University network  For remote access use your SSO login

8 Creating search alerts  Register on the database  Conduct a search  Save your final search strategy  Create an alert  Updates will be e-mailed

9 Medical and life sciences database Ovid SP platform  AMED  BIOSIS  CAB Abstracts  CINAHL  EconLit  Embase  GeoRef  Global Health  HMIC  Medline  The Philosophers Index  PsycInfo  Zoological Record

10 Science and Technology Cambridge Scientific Abstracts - CSA Illumina CSA – Cambridge Scientific Abstracts databases:  ASFA  Biological Sciences  Biotechnology and Bioengineering  Computer Technology  Materials Research with METADEX  Technology Research Database

11 Science and Technology Engineering Village  Compendex EI – Engineering Index  INSPEC – Information System for Physics, Engineering and Computing

12 Science and Technology SciFinder on the Web CSA databases:  Chemical Abstracts  Chemical Reactions database  Chemical Substances  Medline

13 Multidisciplinary databases Web of Science with Conference Proceedings Science Citation Index Expanded Social Sciences Citation Index Arts & Humanities Citation Index

14 Multidisciplinary databases SCOPUS searches: Geobase Compendex Embase Medline

15 Journal Content Alerts ZETOC - Electronic Table of Contents Zetoc provides access to the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents of around 20,000 current journals and around 16,000 conference proceedings published per year.

16 Database search alerts vs journal content alerts Database search alerts  update on a topic  based on saved search  articles from wide range of journals covered  bibliographic references and abstracts Journal content alerts  individually selected journal titles  table of content from a journal issue

17 RSS feeds Really Simple Syndication-RSS feeds can keep you up date with your favourite website, blogs, news events, journal issue releases etc. and can be used as an alternative to email for database alerts. For more information- RSS feeds can be read using software called an "RSSsoftware reader", "feed reader", or "aggregator“ such asaggregator Google Reader.

18 Contacts Ljilja Ristic Physical Sciences Librarian Subject Consultant Radcliffe Science Library Tel.(01865)272816 Linda Atkinson Reader Services Librarian Healthcare Library – John Radcliffe Hospital Tel.(01865) 221939 RSL; Tel. HCL; Tel.



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