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Thomas Alstrup| Consultant on Eco-Innovation, Pro-Ceres/FORA Denmark.

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1 Thomas Alstrup| Consultant on Eco-Innovation, Pro-Ceres/FORA Denmark

2 Background Lessons learned Recommendations How did we fare ? Government-driven Partnerships to promote National systems

3 Speaker Name here | Speaker Title here, Employer title here, Country Focus on environmental challenges on a global scale Promotion of Danish environmental and energy exports Based on Danish strongholds Effort to be developed and operated by binding partnerships for innovation between business, knowledge environments, the authorities and consumers

4 2006/7: 5 partnerships Thomas Alstrup| Consultant on Eco-Innovation, Pro-Ceres/FORA Denmark

5 Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark 2nd generation biofuels Industrial biotechnology – partnership for environmentally friendly livestock

6 Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark Broad or narrow approach - partnership or interest organization?

7 Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark Partnership or Bermuda Triangle

8 Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark Facilitation: multidisciplinary & cross- cutting skills and competencies

9 Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark Inflexible, specialized research, development and demonstration programmes ?

10 Trust takes time Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark =

11 Recommendations – The new nature of innovation Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark Develop tools and methods to establish, support, reinvigorate and benchmark partnerships Maintain focus on technology development and research Independent partnership chairman and secretariat Research and development programmes adapted to partnerships Training and education of partnership facilitators Long term perspective - trial and error process: Demand action, but allow time to establish trust and the ability to share decision-making

12 Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark How did we fare ? “From Slurry to Clean Water” – 5 interdependent projects Use enzymes and micro organisms to: 1. Improve the preliminary separation/characteristics of slurry 2. Establish biogasplants based on slurry only 3. Make the fibre (ash-) fraction more accessible to crops 4.Manage nitrification and denitrification when cleaning the liquid fraction by means of conventional waste water technology 5. Eliminate heavy metals and potassium from the liquid fraction Global competition analysis, Global Market analysis. Life Cycle Assessment of current and future technologies

13 Thomas Alstrup | Consultant, Pro-Ceres,/FORA Denmark How did we fare ? White book: 2nd generation bioethanol in Denmark Website on biofuels Workgroups on LCA-assessment of 2G biofuels Coordinating sponsorship and production of 2G bioethanol for VIP-transport at the Copenhagen Climate Summit, December 2009

14 Further information: Thomas Alstrup Pro-Ceres/ FORA/The Danish Enterprise and Construction’s Division for Research and Analysis + 45 35 46 66 78 Speaker Name here | Speaker Title here, Employer title here, Country

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