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Activity 2.4.7:Roman Student Directed Study Names.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity 2.4.7:Roman Student Directed Study Names."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity 2.4.7:Roman Student Directed Study Names

2 Directions When you are done DELETE this slide On each of the following slides you will find a set of instructions for that slide. You will be expected to find information on each of the topics and then delete away the unessary information and instruction slides.

3 Culture (Delete this slide) On this slide you must have the following: – A graphic or picture related to Roman culture. (Don’t forget that culture is so many things, clothing, food, entertainment, etc…) – At least 4 bullet points covering the topic – Answer the following question(s) Where do you see aspects of Roman culture today? What would life be like if this had this culture never been shared?

4 Law/Government (Delete this slide) On this slide you must have the following: – A graphic or picture related to Roman Laws. – At least 4 bullet points covering the topic – Answer the following question(s) Where do you see aspects of Roman law today? What would life be like if this had this law never been shared?

5 Gender (Delete this slide) On this slide you must have the following: – A graphic or picture related to Roman Gender difference. – At least 4 bullet points covering the topic – Answer the following question(s) Where do you see aspects of Roman gender differences today? What would life be like if this had this gender difference never been shared?

6 Science/ Technology (Delete this slide) On this slide you must have the following: – A graphic or picture related to Roman Science and Technology. – At least 4 bullet points covering the topic – Answer the following question(s) Where do you see aspects of Roman Science/Tech today? What would life be like if this had these science and technologies never been shared?

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