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Signals and Systems Lecture Filter Structure and Quantization Effects.

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Presentation on theme: "Signals and Systems Lecture Filter Structure and Quantization Effects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Signals and Systems Lecture Filter Structure and Quantization Effects

2 Implementation PART II

3 Structure for discrete-time

4 Realization of Filters

5 Digital Filter

6 Direct Form I Implementation

7 Block Diagram IIR DF-I

8 Realization of Filters: Ex.

9 Block Diagrams/ signal Flowgraphs

10 Signal Flow Graph: DF-I

11 Multiple Structures

12 Discrete Form II

13 Signal Flow Graph: IIR DF-II


15 Discrete Form II (canonic)

16 Cascade Form

17 Cascade Form: Real Case

18 IIR Cascade Form

19 Parallel Form


21 Transposed Forms


23 Structures for FIR Filters


25 Structures for LP FIR Filters

26 Quantization Effects  discrete-time filters, not digital filters.  Most DSP systems are implemented using fixed-point arithmetic  Floating-point arithmetic helps alleviate this problem, but consumes too much power and costs more  Due to the very nature of DSP, where digital data are obtained through an A/D converter, floating-point precision is usually not required

27 Coefficient Quantization  first design a discrete-time filter with double floating-point precision, such as the use of Matlab  Truncate (or round) the filter coefficients to implement the fixed- point HW/SW

28 Finite Precision effects

29 Quantization effects on the FIR systems

30 Unquantized FIR Filter Effect

31 16-bit Quantization FIR Filter

32 8-bit Quantization of FIR Filter

33 Finite Precision effects- Example

34 Coefficient Quantization

35 Coefficient Quantization(cont.)

36 DFII vs. 2 nd order sections for IIR



39 2 nd Order Filter

40   cos  and -  2 must be computed and rounded to the number of bits available  Suppose that we use a 4-bit quantizer b0.b1b2b3. Both  cos  and  2 can take on the numbers from 1.000 to 0.111 (-1 to 0.875)  Poles and zeros of a 2-nd order filter can only occur at the intersection of the lines representing  cos  and the semi-circles representing  2

41 Quantization in 2 nd order Section

42 Evenly Spaced Quantization  Non-uniform density of poles and zeros of a 2nd-order section can be mitigated by using a “coupled form” structure  The quantized poles and zeros are at the intersections of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines.

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