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SAEG 7 th Dec 2015 Item 2.5 Eurostat migration to JD+: state of the art By Dario Buono 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SAEG 7 th Dec 2015 Item 2.5 Eurostat migration to JD+: state of the art By Dario Buono 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAEG 7 th Dec 2015 Item 2.5 Eurostat migration to JD+: state of the art By Dario Buono 1

2 ESTAT Early birds: Sector Accounts Oct 2015 2 The (successful) migration took place in October 2015 Results very similar to the ones obtained with Demetra+ User friendliness Interaction with the production system (Fame) The method chosen is Tramo Seats, as implemented in JDemetra+ software.

3 ESTAT Early birds: SA October 2015 3 Sector accounts data published in all the three press releases "Household saving rate" and "Business investment rate") as well as the Statistics explained articles are obtained with JDemetra+, and are fully compliant with the ESS guidelines.three press releases Statistics explained articles Also the dedicated webpage was updated.dedicated webpage

4 ESTAT Forerunners: STS, March 2016 4 Plans to change-over to JDemetra+ for production of seasonally adjusted STS indicators by March 2016 with the publication of the reference month January 2016. The new software does not affect the method used by Eurostat STS. Eurostat STS will continue using the geographically indirect approach of seasonal adjustment.

5 ESTAT Eurostat short-term business statistics (STS) 5 will continue using TRAMO/SEATS method for the time series not adjusted by MSs. will convert all specifications used for adjusting national time series from the current production system to JDemetra+ format. Currently, tests are on-going for a smooth migration to JDemetra+.

6 ESTAT Labour Market: first half of 2016 6 4 domains: LFS, Unemployment, LCI and Job Vacancy Statistics LFSIND will be ready to publish early 2016 – the link to the production system is already in place. The same model as Non-financial sector accounts was preferred by the business. Unemployment (CHOMM) would like to use a batch mode system – such as STS. Start testing JDemetra+ beginning of January 2016 with intentions of using it for publications in March/April

7 ESTAT Labour Market:first half of 2016 7 Job Vacancy Statistics is currently under implementation/testing in Fame and JDemetra+ used following the Non-financial sector accounts model is currently being discussed. Labour Cost Index (LCI2008) would like to use a batch mode system – such as STS. Probably the integration in the test environment will be done in January/February 2016.

8 ESTAT In the pipeline… 8 2 nd half 2016 Government and Finance Statistics 1 st half 2017 (to be confirmed) National Accounts (currently using JD+ 1.2.0 and JEcotrim for temporal disaggregation External trade


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