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Game Board Let’s Play Jeopardy Game Board Solar System Jeopardy Go to the next slide by clicking mouse. Choose a category and number value clicking on.

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2 Game Board Let’s Play Jeopardy

3 Game Board Solar System Jeopardy Go to the next slide by clicking mouse. Choose a category and number value clicking on the button. When you answer the question you can click on the green button to find the correct answer. To select a new question click on the gray game board button. From the game board you can click on the bobcat paw to see the score board.

4 Game Board Solar System Jeopardy Close to Home In Other Objects Moons and Rings Gas PlanetsNot a Planet 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

5 Game Board Close to Home 100 This planet is closest to the Sun. See Answer

6 Game Board Close to Home 100 A What is Mercury? Score board Score Board

7 Game Board Close to Home 200 This planet is called Earth’s “Sister” planet because it is similar in size. Answer

8 Game Board Close to Home 200 A Score Board What is Venus?

9 Game Board Close to Home 300 This planet has two moons and polar ice caps made of frozen C02. Answer

10 Game Board Close to Home 300A Answer What is Mars. Score Board

11 Game Board Close to Home 400 This planet has liquid water and is known as “The Blue Planet” Answer

12 Game Board Close to Home 400A Answer What is Earth? Score Board

13 Game Board Close to Home 500 The hottest planet in the solar system, this planet has a surface temperature of 475 degrees Celsius. Answer

14 Game Board Close to Home 500A What is Venus? Score Board

15 Game Board In Other Objects 100 These ss objects can be found between Mars and Jupiter. Answer

16 Game Board In Other Objects 100A What are asteroids? Score Board

17 Game Board In Other Objects 200 These moons are found orbiting Jupiter and were first seen by astronomer Galileo Answer

18 Game Board In Other Objects 200A What are Io, Ganymede, Calisto and Europa? Score Board

19 Game Board In Other Objects 300 Haley’s is one of these and comes to visit once every 75 years. Answer

20 Game Board In Other Objects 300 A What is a comet? Score Board

21 Game Board In Other Objects 400 These two moons orbit the planet Mars. Answer

22 Game Board In Other Objects 400A What are Phobos and Deimos ? Score Board

23 Game Board In Other Objects 500 Where comets come from. Answer

24 Game Board In Other Objects 500 A What is the Oort Cloud ? Score Board

25 Game Board Moons and Rings 100 This is a Jovian planet with extensive ring systems? Answer

26 Game Board Moons and Rings 100A What is Saturn? Score Board

27 Game Board Moons and Rings 200 The moon that controls tides. Answer

28 Game Board Moons and Rings 200A What is Earth’s Moon? Score Board

29 Game Board Moons and Rings 300 The number of moons orbiting the planet Mars. Answer

30 Game Board Moons and Rings 300A What is two ? Score Board

31 Game Board Moons and Rings 400 The reason Mercury has no moons Answer

32 Game Board Moons and Rings 400A What is a weak gravitational field ? Score Board

33 Game Board Moons and Rings 500 These planets all have rings. Answer

34 Game Board Moons and Rings 500A What are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune? Score Board

35 Game Board Gas Planets 100 This gas planet is also the largest in the solar system. Answer

36 Game Board Gas Planets 100A What is Jupiter ? Score Board

37 Game Board Gas Planets 200 This planet has rings made out of chunks of ice Answer

38 Game Board Gas Planets 200A What is Saturn ? Score Board

39 Game Board Gas Planets 300 Answer This planet has a red cyclonic storm raging on its surface

40 Game Board Gas Planets 300A What is Jupiter ? Score Board

41 Game Board Gas Planets 400 This planet has a “great dark spot” that vanishes and reappears. Answer

42 Game Board Gas Planets 400A? What is Neptune ? Score Board

43 Game Board Gas Planets 500 This planet has a turquoise color due to the methane gas in its atmosphere. Answer

44 Game Board Gas Planets 500A What is Uranus? Score Board

45 Game Board Not a Planet 100 The location of the dwarf planet “Ceres” Answer

46 Game Board Not a Planet 100A What is the asteroid belt? Score Board

47 Game Board Not a Planet 200 What used to be called Pluto and its moon, Charon are now called this. Answer

48 Game Board Not a Planet 200A What is “the Plutoids?” Score Board

49 Game Board Not a Planet 300 This moon is the second largest in the solar system Answer

50 Game Board Not a Planet 300A What is Saturn’s moon, Titan ? Score Board

51 Game Board Not a Planet 400 Uranus is known to have this many moons. Answer

52 Game Board Not a Planet 400A What is 21? Score Board

53 Game Board Seismic Sensations 500 Loki and Pele are two volcanoes found on this moon of Jupiter. Answer

54 Game Board Not a Planet 500A What is the moon Io ? Score Board

55 Game Board Final Jeopardy What is the difference between a gas planet and a terrestrial planet?

56 Game Board Scoreboard Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5

57 Game Board References Microsoft Clipart To return to web-page click here: WebPage

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