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June, 2005 NCSC Component Library National Center for State Courts & URL Integration June, 2005

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1 June, 2005 NCSC Component Library National Center for State Courts & URL Integration June, 2005 http://www.ncsconline.org

2 June, 2005 Base Models & Tools  GJXDM (Global Justice XML Data Model)  GIEPD (Global Information Exchange Package Documentation) for Reference …  JIEM Reference Model  Exchange Modeling  Requirements Modeling  Data Modeling

3 June, 2005 The Business Goals  Reflects domain expert business modeling  Creates a common resource for domain experts  Allows domain experts to play a significant role in development  Increases compatibility across courts in use of GJXDM components  Lessens the burden of choosing the correct GJXDM elements and path through the hierarchy  Provides mechanism to more easily create valid and conformant schemas

4 June, 2005 Why Component Library? Name (Last) First Middle What about? Names that don’t use Western Convention? What about Invalid ID? Other Names? First – Form Analysis Second – Data Analysis

5 June, 2005 Why Component Library?

6 June, 2005 Court Modeled Information Exchange Documents (aka GIEPDs) Warrant Traffic Citation Protection Order Sentencing Protection Order Face Sheet (New)

7 June, 2005 A Component Library ( there had to be a better way ) The vision of the Component Library is to add value by enabling courts to create interoperable XML schemas:  consistently  in a straightforward method  using business model requirements of the courts for the information exchange

8 June, 2005 Warrant Arrest Document Section Data Set Data Element Address v1 Street City State Zip code County Citation Address v1 Street City State Zip code County Reusability: Components can be used in their entirety, or the data elements can be restricted. Charge Sentence Order Address v2 Street City State Zip code County PO Box Expansion of Component: When a component is expanded, it is expanded at the source and reversioned. Plaintiff NCSC GJXDM NCS C Documents Sections Data Sets Data Elements Appearance Arrest Case Address v1 Affiant v1 Agency v1 Alerts v1 Alias v1 Bail v1 Charge v1 Appearance Date Appearance Time Arrest Case Number Feeds the GIEPDs Reusable Version Controlled Address v2 When a component is expanded, it is expanded at the source and reversioned.

9 June, 2005 Component Library Principles 1.To develop a court specific domain vocabulary and structure 2.To bridge court specific models to the GJXDM. 3.To utilize open standards that support any development approach or set of tools 4.To support the concept of component reuse by the courts in the development of local data models 5.To apply the domain expertise of court personnel 6.To utilize W3C standards for component version control

10 June, 2005 Demonstration

11 June, 2005 Extensions GJXDM doesn’t handle everything Rules allow for extension Schema NCSC extensions – selected submission

12 June, 2005 What Can You Get?  Components and definitions.  Spreadsheet mapping  Want list  Domain model  UML diagram of component, section, associations (XMI file)  GJXDM components  GIEPD documents  Soon - Use Cases from Court functional standards, how they are used in court systems.  Diagrams  Documentation

13 June, 2005 Questions?

14 June, 2005 Resources NCSC Component Library White Paper JISGP Bulletin Board – Court Technology Bulletin Blog –

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