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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Water Cycle ClimateClouds Weather Systems Wonderful.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Water Cycle ClimateClouds Weather Systems Wonderful."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Water Cycle ClimateClouds Weather Systems Wonderful Weather!

2 Fill in the blank: The four major components to the water cycle are: Evaporation,________________, Precipitation, Run-off

3 What is CONDENSATION? Image from:

4 Sleet, rain, snow, and hail are all forms of _____________.

5 What is precipitation? Precipitation returns to Earth in many forms, depending upon atmospheric conditions (such as the temperature).

6 The process which causes the rainwater in the street to disappear on a hot sunny day is called:

7 What is evaporation? The sun provides something called radiant heat energy, which is necessary to change water from a liquid state of matter to a vapor state of matter.

8 When precipitation lands on saturated ground, the flow of water downhill is called…

9 What is RUNOFF? Runoff can flow over bare soil and deposit sediment into rivers, which is not good for water quality. Runoff that has entered creeks, rivers, and streams then travels back to the ocean.

10 Correctly label 5 out of the 8 parts of the water cycle (on a separate sheet of paper):


12 All the weather conditions for a given location over a period of time

13 What is CLIMATE?

14 The instrument that meteorologists use to measure the changes in wind speed and direction

15 What is an anemometer? To accurately forecast the weather, meteorologists must be able to collect and analyze a lot of information very quickly. Meteorologists use anemometers to measure wind speed and direction.

16 When you are looking at maps, this type of map indicates changes in the shape and elevation of the land.

17 What are Topographic Maps? Image from: more.aspx?r=%2ftopo.aspx%3flat%3d35.77515%26lon%3d-78.70139%26s%3d50%26size%3dm Topography is the depiction of the surface area of a region. The surface area can include such features as rivers, valleys, and mountains.

18 In North Carolina, the longest period of daylight occurs during this month:

19 What is June? North Carolina is located in the Northern Hemisphere (north of the Equator). We receive our most direct rays from the sun during the month of June (usually around June 23) when we have our summer solstice.

20 List THREE variables that influence weather and climate.

21 What are latitude, altitude, proximity to large bodies of water, prevailing winds, or topography (choose any 3)? 1.Latitude is your location on the earth in relationship to the Equator. 2.Altitude 3.Proximity or how close you are to large bodies of water. Because ocean currents can be warm or cool, they can affect the air temperature above it. 4.Prevailing winds can be land or sea breezes. A prevailing wind is one that blows from one direction more often than any other wind during a specific period of time 5.Topography means the shape or form of the land…mountains, deserts, etc.

22 List the FOUR primary types of clouds.

23 What are: stratus, cirrus, cumulus, and nimbus? Most clouds are either one of these primary types or a combination of types.

24 These clouds are large and thin. When they are near the ground, they are fog.

25 What are stratus clouds?

26 Compare snow and sleet.

27 Compare means to tell all the ways things are alike! Snow and sleet both start in clouds as water vapor that freezes before falling. Although sleet melts on the way down as it passes through warmer air, both sleet and snow hit the ground frozen.

28 Contrast nimbus clouds and cirrus clouds (Find 3 differences).

29 Contrast means to tell the ways things are different. How nimbus are different Dark, fluffy Look thick Full of water How cirrus are different Wispy, thin Look like feathers Made mostly of ice crystals

30 List the FOUR layers of the atmosphere. Recipe for weather!! 1. 2. 3. 4. Directions: Combine ingredients in the troposphere, mix thoroughly, and you will have weather!!

31 What are: thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, and troposphere?

32 Identify the EYE of the hurricane in the photograph below.

33 The eye of the hurricane is the center of the storm. It is also the calmest part of the storm. The storm rotates counter-clockwise around the eye.

34 This weather pattern is a cone-shaped column of air that rotates and comes down from a thunderstorm but does NOT touch the ground.

35 What is a FUNNEL CLOUD?

36 List 3 of the major causes of hurricanes.

37 What are: pre-existing thunderstorms, warm ocean water, and light winds above and outside the storm?

38 You have just returned home from soccer practice. A strong thunderstorm has begun, and you hear thunder and see a flash of lightning. Describe two things that you would do to stay safe during the storm.

39 What is (you only had to recall two!): 1) Avoid water because water conducts electricity. 2) Do not use your cordless phone. 3) Do not use electronic equipment at all (like t.v.’s, computers, radios). 4) Stay away from windows and doors?

40 A category 3 hurricane is headed towards the town of Nags Head on the North Carolina coast. Describe the damage that may occur with this type of storm.

41 What are: 1) branches are blown off trees; some are blown over 2) shrubs blown over and uprooted 3) small buildings sustain structural damage 4) small buildings and low-lying areas are flooded 5) mobile homes and signs are destroyed 6) some larger buildings also contain structural damage?

42 List the two units of measurement for temperature.

43 What are Fahrenheit and Celsius? In the United States, Fahrenheit is the unit used to measure the surface temperature. For the most part, the rest of the world uses Celsius to measure temperature. To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, use the following formula: C˚ = (F˚-32)/1.8

44 Wind speed is always measured in __________.

45 What is KNOTS? 1 knot = 1.15 miles per hour (mph)

46 This kind of pressure system usually means clear skies and cool temperatures are on the way.

47 What is a high pressure system? Air pressure helps us determine what type of weather to expect. The weather is always changing, and one reason why is because of wind. The wind is “always shifting, rising, falling and creating areas of various pressure in the atmosphere”.* *

48 Describe the weather conditions that typically occur when a low pressure system is present.

49 What is: warmer weather, storms and rain?

50 Classify each of these pictures based their cloud cover. AB C D

51 A. Clear (CLR)--no clouds or clouds cover less than 1/10 of the sky B. Scattered (SCT)--an average of 1/10 to 5/10 or up to one half of the sky is covered with clouds C. Broken (BKN)--5/10 to 9/10 of the sky is covered with clouds D. Overcast (OVC)--more than 9/10 of the sky is covered with clouds

52 References (not already noted) sh_watercycle.html sh_watercycle.html ff.html ff.html

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