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M3/31EXAM IIChapters 8-12, parts of 2, 3 W4/2Transcription and TranslationChapters 4, 15 M4/7 Regulation of Gene ExpressionChapter 18 W4/9"Molecular" GeneticsChapter.

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Presentation on theme: "M3/31EXAM IIChapters 8-12, parts of 2, 3 W4/2Transcription and TranslationChapters 4, 15 M4/7 Regulation of Gene ExpressionChapter 18 W4/9"Molecular" GeneticsChapter."— Presentation transcript:

1 M3/31EXAM IIChapters 8-12, parts of 2, 3 W4/2Transcription and TranslationChapters 4, 15 M4/7 Regulation of Gene ExpressionChapter 18 W4/9"Molecular" GeneticsChapter 16 M4/14 "Classical" GeneticsChapter 13 W4/16DNA ReplicationChapter 14 M4/21Genomics and ProteomicsChapter 20 W4/23EXAM III Chapters 4,13-16,18 M4/28Molecular DevelopmentChapter 22 W4/30Molecular Development Cumulative Final Exam: Wednesday, May 7 th, 10:45-12:45, room 303 Payson-Smith


3 Mendel’s Law of Segregation: Punnet square


5 Some phenotypes, like human height, for example are affected by many genes and are called quantitative traits.

6 35) _____ Imagine the zoo keepers at the Pensacola Zoo succeeded in getting two rare, white King snakes to mate and of 320 babies, 239 babies were white, 80 babies were green, and one baby was black. What’s most likely going on? A) black is dominant B) green is dominant C) white is dominant D) one parent was homozygous E) both parents were homozygous 36) _____ What is the most likely explanation for the one black baby? A) recessive allele B) recombination C) mutation D) quantitative trait E) codominance 37) _____ What would most likely happen if two of the green snake babies were bred? A) white and green babies in a 3:1 ratio B) white and green babies in a 1:1 ratio C) white, green, and black babies in a 1:2:1 ratio D) all babies would be white E) all babies would be green 38) _____ What is the best explanation if it were found that all of the green babies were females? A) the skin color gene is found on one of the sex chromosomes B) skin is controlled by hormones C) the males were caught by predators D) mutation in the egg E) mutation crossing over when the eggs were being made


8 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment:

9 Some genes are “linked” because they are on the same chromosome.

10 Crossing over (recombination) occurs randomly during meiosis I.




14 Chapter 14: DNA Replication






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