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Post World War II Europe. Potsdam Conference – July 1945 Truman & Stalin meet to discuss postwar world Truman mentions a “powerful new weapon” to Stalin.

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Presentation on theme: "Post World War II Europe. Potsdam Conference – July 1945 Truman & Stalin meet to discuss postwar world Truman mentions a “powerful new weapon” to Stalin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post World War II Europe

2 Potsdam Conference – July 1945 Truman & Stalin meet to discuss postwar world Truman mentions a “powerful new weapon” to Stalin Truman warns of “prompt and utter destruction” to Japan Stalin promised free elections but installed communist governments in Eastern Europe

3 The United Nations Created in 1945 to stop future world wars Headquartered in New York City Has 5 permanent members – America – Soviet Union – China – France – England

4 Parts of UN General Assembly – provide equal representation Security Council – deal with military for peace Economic Council – deal with aid to countries UNICEF – worldwide children’s fund Secretary General – Ban Ki-moon (S. Korea)

5 The United Nations

6 UN Peace Keeping Missions

7 United Nation’s Main Donors Main donators to the UN budget, 2006 (% of UN budget)% United States 22.00%United States Japan 16.624%Japan Germany 8.66% Germany United Kingdom 6.13% United Kingdom France 6.03% France Italy 4.89% Italy Canada 2.81%Canada China 2.667%China Spain 2.52% Spain Mexico 1.88% Mexico Australia 1.59% Australia Brazil 1.52% Brazil Other member states 22.679%





12 4 Zones of Germany after WWII BERLIN


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