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Beyond Uncertainty Breakfast Briefing Barber Surgeons’ Hall 23 September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond Uncertainty Breakfast Briefing Barber Surgeons’ Hall 23 September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond Uncertainty Breakfast Briefing Barber Surgeons’ Hall 23 September 2011

2 An Insight Into Consumer Behaviour Emma Read Director of Marketing and Business Development

3 Insights How consumers are behaving now What’s changed What it means

4 Findings from QuickBite Horizons consumer survey Now 2,000 adults, 18yrs+ Twice a year Tracking: Behaviour Spend Motivators for eating out

5 Penetration of people eating out Source: Horizons QuickBite July 2011 Year on year trend continues Christmas 2010 – no peak

6 Frequency of eating out Source: Horizons QuickBite July 2011 Consumers choosing to eat out less often

7 Average meal spend per head Source: Horizons QuickBite July 2011 Spending at a high: More of a treat Inflation VAT

8 Why eat out? Source: Horizons QuickBite July 2011 Convenience Conviviality

9 And where? Source: Horizons QuickBite July 2011 Habit is a strong driver But so is spontaneity...

10 Who are you most likely to find eating out? By Frequency Most likely to be: Male 18-24 years old AB Living in London Full-time student Never married With 0-1 children By Spend Most likely to be: Male 25-34 years old C1 Living in London Working full time Married With 2 children By Penetration Equally likely to be: Male or female Most likely to be: 18-24 years old ABC1 Living in London Full-time student Never married With 1 child Source: Horizons QuickBite July 2011

11 Beyond Uncertainty Consumers still eating out Industry positioned for recovery Managing stable menu prices Cost reductions and menu adaptations Inflation and VAT Developing appropriate strategies Maintaining customers – “Habit” Attracting new customers – “Spontaneity”

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