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Whole cell hybridization The different steps. Filtration and permeabilization Filter the samples on Anodisc filters (0.22  m) Deshydrate the cells with.

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Presentation on theme: "Whole cell hybridization The different steps. Filtration and permeabilization Filter the samples on Anodisc filters (0.22  m) Deshydrate the cells with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whole cell hybridization The different steps

2 Filtration and permeabilization Filter the samples on Anodisc filters (0.22  m) Deshydrate the cells with immerse in alcohol Cut the filters in 12 pieces Put the pieces at -80°C

3 Hybridization Prepare the humid chamber and put it at 35°C to equalize the temperature Put 9  L of hybridization buffer and 1  L of specific probes on the slide Transfer the slides into the humid chamber Incubate 2h to 3h at 35C

4 Wash Immerse the filters in plastic wells in 5 mL Wash buffer Cover with plastic lid and incubate 2 times 30 min at 37°C

5 Equilibration Immerse the filters in plastic wells in 5 mL TNT buffer Cover with plastic lid and incubate 15 min at room temperature, in dark

6 Enzymatic reaction (TSA) Put 10  L of the fluorochrome tyramide on the filters Incubate at room temperature in dark for 30 min

7 Wash Immerse the filters in plastic wells in 5 mL TNT buffer Cover with plastic lid and incubate 2 times 20 min at 55°C

8 DAPI coloration Put 10  L of DAPI (5  g/mL) on the slide Cover with filter Incubate for 15 min in dark at room temperature Rinse the filters in water during 10 min then allow the filter to dry on slide

9 Montage des lames Cover filters with 20  L of antifading citifluor agent Cover with cover slip Fix each slides of the cover slip with varnish

10 Stockage The slides are kept at 4°C in dark and can be observed after at least several days

11 Results Hybridization of Chlamydomonas concordia by the probe CHLO 01

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