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“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” – Groucho Marx Oklahoma.

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Presentation on theme: "“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” – Groucho Marx Oklahoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.” – Groucho Marx Oklahoma Hospital Association Political Action Committee 2013 Campaign

2 Advocacy  Is based upon relationships  Is everyone’s job  Relies upon your personal involvement “Speaking or writing in support of something”-Webster

3 OHA-PAC – What is it?  Directed by OHA-PAC Board  Joint PAC with AHA  Complies with both state and federal ethics rules

4 OHA-PAC – Who does it support?  Legislators who support our issues  Based on voting records  Incumbents vs. open races

5 OHA-PAC – Who can give?  Salaried Staff  Trustees  Hourly staff and hospital volunteers limited to state campaigns

6 OHA-PAC –Why should I give?  Buys access, not votes  Our competition supports  Investment in YOUR future  Legislation affects your hospital 24/7

7 OHA-PAC – How can I give?  Personal check  Automatic bank drafts  Credit cards  Cash in Paid Days Off

8 How do we spend your OHA-PAC $$$?  100% goes to candidates  Commit to each election -- primary, run-off, general  Federal $$$ handled by AHA with OHA input

9 OHA-PAC “Show me the money”  Your hospital has control over disbursements in your district  Legislators look at our ethics reports  Opportunity for you to be involved

10 OHA-PAC – Use it! “Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and their politicians as a joke.” – Will Rogers

11 OHA-PAC What have we done for you lately...

12 OHA-PAC 2003 – Media campaign launched to highlight the plight of the uninsured. We raised awareness that Oklahoma has historically ranked in the top five states with the highest percent of its population uninsured.

13 OHA-PAC 2004 – OHA leads an effort to pass SQ 713 resulting in an increase in the tobacco tax to shore up a beleaguered Medicaid budget, provide for health insurance for the working poor (InsureOK), increase trauma funding, and support a vast array of other health services.

14 OHA-PAC 2005 – OHA battles to maximize federal matching funds via increased state allocations to realize full upper payment level (UPL) funding under Medicaid. Even though a strong and broad-based campaign for a provider fee failed, our advocacy efforts produced a one-time funding increase from general revenues ($38 million to hospitals; $30 million to physicians) to improve Medicaid payment rates.

15 OHA-PAC 2006 – OHA continued to fight for full UPL funding for hospitals providing Medicaid services. Our efforts were rewarded when the Legislature approved (beginning Jan. 1, 2007) increased funding for hospitals closer to the federal UPL.

16 OHA-PAC 2007 - Power sharing agreement in Senate with a 24/24 republicans & democrats split significantly changed dynamics. However, OHA was able to advocate full Medicaid trending levels built into the agency base budget.

17 OHA PAC 2011 Banner Year for Hospitals SHOPP – HB 1381 – 2.5% net patient revenue provides state matching funds paid by hospitals to garner additional federal funds. Major tort reform bills passed including non- economic damage caps of $350K plus joint and several liability. Comprehensive worker’s compensation - hospital as employer vs. hospital as care provider.

18 OHA PAC At Your Service OHA staff files all ethic reports as required by law. For a full report of OHA’s state legislative report, go to and click on Government Affairs then click on State.

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