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Britain and France rivaled for control of North America War erupted: Britain and the Colonists v. France and Native Americans.

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2 Britain and France rivaled for control of North America War erupted: Britain and the Colonists v. France and Native Americans

3 European struggle for power spilled over. British mistreatment of the Indians Ohio River Valley Ft. Duquesne (W. Pennsylvania) Colonial troops led by George Washington sent by the VA gov. to kick out the French Attacked and defeated small group of French soldiers Natives with Washington massacred the Frenchmen. French counter attack and Washington surrenders. A “world war” erupts and America becomes a focal point.

4 Poor start for British 1755, able to take Fts. Near Nova Scotia Ft. Duquesne British Gen. Edward Braddock defeated. Braddock was killed in loss. Retreat led by Washington, led to safety.

5 Lake Ontario / Lake George. French Gen. Louis- Joseph de Montcalm defeats the British. Indians began to raid Pennsylvania and Virginia.

6 1758-59 British cut off French shipping. Indians desert French and join up w/ British British take Ft. Duquesne and Louisburg British control St. Lawrence River

7 Battle of Quebec British Gen. James Wolfe defeats Fr. Gen. de Montcalm Surprise attack at night over the steep cliffs. Battle of Montreal 1760, captured by British French governor surrendered the rest of Canada

8 Ended the French and Indian War France gave up Canada and all land west to the Mississippi

9 Indian Tribes Mississauga, Ottawa, Potawtomi, Ojibwa, Wyandot, Miami, Kickapoo, Mascouten, Delaware, Shawnee, and Seneca. Rebellion Indians overran British Forts along Ohio River Raided Penn, Maryland, and Virginia Attack Ft. Detroit Indians ran out of supplies and arms Gen. Thomas Gage ends the rebellion

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