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City Projects By ninth period math class Requirements Building your own city! You are the designer of your very own city! There are a few items that.

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2 City Projects By ninth period math class

3 Requirements Building your own city! You are the designer of your very own city! There are a few items that have to be in your city, and you may create the rest of your city. Items that must be included: At least three different angles: acute, right, obtuse, or straight One angle relationship: vertical, adjacent, complementary, or supplementary A pair of parallel lines, a pair of perpendicular lines, a pair of intersecting lines One geometric pattern must be found somewhere in your city One transformation Four 3-d objects in your city Determine the land area of your city Provide an awesome name to your city Helpful websites that might get you started! map/

4 Los Angles

5 New Mareksville



8 E & D’s Town

9 Ryan and Scott ville

10 Black Ops City

11 J and S Township

12 Geometryapolis

13 Das Paradise

14 Smallsville


16 Unicornville

17 Da’ Mal

18 Slaveria

19 Extra-Tallmadge

20 Singer’s ville

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