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R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 ADC and Common development options G. Spiezia.

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Presentation on theme: "R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 ADC and Common development options G. Spiezia."— Presentation transcript:

1 R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 ADC and Common development options G. Spiezia

2 R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 Main rad tolerant developments A&T QPSPower ConverterCryogenic Interlock systems Radiation Monitor &Testing Beam Instruments RFKicker magnetControl EquipSurveyVacuum 100 Gy – 10 kGy 10 11 10 13 HEH/cm 2 100-1000 subsystems for each equipment 100 Gy – 10 kGy 10 11 10 13 HEH/cm 2 100-1000 subsystems for each equipment LHC & PSB,PS, SPS LHC

3 R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 Main rad-tol developments TeamActivity Devices components SystemType Analog Digital Mixed Power TE/MPEQPSxxCustomCOTS TE/EPCPower ConverterxxxCustomCOTS TE/CRGCryogenicsxxCustomCOTS/Rad hard BE/ABTInterlock and KickerxxxSemi-CustomCOTS EN/STIRadiation MonitorxxCustomCOTS BE/BIBeam instrumentationxxCustomCOTS/Rad hard BE/RFRF CavitiesxxCustomCOTS BE/COControl equipmentxxCustomCOTS EN/MEFSurveyxxCustomCOTS TE/VSCVacuum equipmentxxSemi-CustomCOTS ITIT toolsxSemi-CustomCOTS EN/ELLight, LEDxSemi-CustomCOTS GS/ASESafety, AlarmsxxSemi-CustomCOTS

4 R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 Typical system architecture

5 R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 AMICSA 2014  Organised in collaboration with ESA and CERN,  Provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in analogue and mixed-signal VLSI design techniques and technologies for space applications  For this workshop, we asked the main electronics groups of the A&T sector to provide a list of wished rad-hard components. They are  Critical parts of the design and/or  Components (COTS) which show (very) little robustness against radiation (mux, transceivers)

6 R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 Wished features 18-24 bit resolution, Sampling rate 10-50 kSps 16-18 bit resolution, Sampling rate 50-200 kSps 14-16 bit, Sampling rate 60 MSps ADC 12-16 bit resolution 10 V range DAC FIR filter Median filter Signal process Multiple channels for AD/DA MUX ADC, DAC (if not embedded) Field bus Optical transceivers Serial ports Peripheral Management Programmable logic ULA 100 to 200 LVDS drivers SERDES input for optical transceivers (2.4 Gb/s-5 Gb/s) I/O No SEL (> 40 2 /mg) No SEFI on the reading/writing circuitry Limited TID effect Sensitive to SEU to measure hadron fluence SRAM

7 R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 Follow up  ESA asked us if we are willing to join the qualification of  a Scalar Sensor Data Processor and/or  other components of interests for both the institutes  Companies (participating at AMICSA) offer rad-hard ASICS (ADC, DAC, mux);  available to adapt the design to our needs  price depending on the number of components  CERN  Define the need (type of components with main features)  Individuate the common interests  Iterate the discussion with PH/ESE to see if we can find synergies within CERN  Eventually discuss with the companies and ESA

8 R2E Availability October 17 th 2014 Discussion  So far one feedback received from QPS team  ADC 19 bit  Latency: <5ms, Speed: 10..100kSps, Interface: SPI,  QTY: <=1000  ADC 16bit 100kSps  Latency <1ms, Speed 100kSPs..1MSps ( rather 100k…), Interface: SPI  QTY: >2000  Are we interested?  Your feedback is needed  Each group should propose a list of a (some) key components/functionality

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