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Siebel Center, Room 3110 Office Hours: W 4-5 Social Computer Mediated Communication 29 September 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Siebel Center, Room 3110 Office Hours: W 4-5 Social Computer Mediated Communication 29 September 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Siebel Center, Room 3110 Office Hours: W 4-5 Social Computer Mediated Communication 29 September 2004

2 o Why Interactive Furniture? o Series of Projects o Discussion

3  The chair  Social Structure

4 The Bench Fiona Raby and Anthony Dunne “…two cold steel benches located in different cities, When somebody sits on one of them, a corresponding position on the other bench warms up opening up a sound channel.... At the other location, by feeling the bench for `body heat', a person can decide to make contact by sitting on the warm part, or open their own channel by sitting nearby. Initially the sound channel is distorted, but as the bench slowly warms up, the channel clears, providing a moment to discretely slide away if you change your mind. “ Dunne and Raby Fields and Thresholds…Doors 2

5 Todd Machover Sensor Chair Joe Paradiso Magic Carpet The Laser Wall

6 Wendy Jacobs Chair that ‘hugs’

7 Desks Metadesk

8 Krueger Urp

9 Tables Toshio Iwaii

10 Phillips

11 Sensetable IP Network Design Workbench

12 Tony Dunne / Fiona Raby Placebo Furniture

13 Drift Table Electronic Furniture for the Curious Home

14 Ping Pong Plus

15 Spaces Ambient Room / Fixtures


17 Objects Aibo

18 Wobble Lamp

19 Answering machine

20 LumiTouch

21 Natalie Jeremijenko

22 Paul Sermon Telematic Dreaming

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