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1 Care Quality Commission: Our new approach. 2 Our purpose and role Our purpose We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Care Quality Commission: Our new approach. 2 Our purpose and role Our purpose We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Care Quality Commission: Our new approach

2 2 Our purpose and role Our purpose We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve Our role We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find, including performance ratings to help people choose care 2

3 3 New operating model Surveillance

4 4 Improvement through regulation The Mum Test Is it good enough for my Mum? Safe? Effective? Well led? Responsive? Caring?

5 5 Is the service safe? By safe we mean that people are protected from abuse and avoidable harm

6 6 Is the service caring? By caring, we mean that people are treated with kindness and compassion, and their dignity is respected

7 7 Is the service responsive? By responsive, we mean that people get the individual support, care and treatment they need; that they are involved in decisions, and they are listened and responded to that reflects their needs and concerns

8 8 Is the service effective? By effective, we mean that people experience the best possible health and quality of life outcomes

9 9 Is the service well led? By well led we mean that the leadership, management and governance of the organisation assure the delivery of high quality person centred care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture at all levels

10 10 Ratings All inspections under the new approach will ultimately result in ratings We will use a four point scale Outstanding Good Requires improvement Inadequate Ratings will always take account of data/intelligence and what we see and hear at inspections. We will use judgement to combine multiple factors

11 11 Four point scale High level characteristics of each rating level Innovative, creative, constantly striving to improve, open and transparent Consistent level of service people have a right to expect, robust arrangements in place for when things do go wrong May have elements of good practice but inconsistent, potential or actual risk, inconsistent responses when things go wrong Severe harm has or is likely to occur, shortfalls in practice, ineffective or no action taken to put things right or improve

12 12 Why does this matter? People are at the heart of it

13 13 Thank you

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