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+ 34.3 Reproductive System ~ Male Day 1. + Do Now 1. What would happen to you if… A. your respiratory system collapsed? B. your circulatory system stops.

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1 + 34.3 Reproductive System ~ Male Day 1

2 + Do Now 1. What would happen to you if… A. your respiratory system collapsed? B. your circulatory system stops pushing your blood? C. your nervous system stops firing impulses? D. your immune system failed? E. your reproductive system failed? Answer the following questions in your science notebooks.

3 + Reproductive System Honors Bio EOC Male Reproductive System Structure and Function

4 + What are we learning today? SC.912.L.16.13 SC.912.L.16.13 Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system. Describe the process of human development from fertilization to birth and major changes that occur in each trimester of pregnancy. I will identify and describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the male human reproductive system. seminal vesicle prostate gland vas deferens urethra epididymis scrotum penis testes. BenchmarkObjectives

5 + What is the essential question? An individual can lead a healthy, happy life without reproducing. However, the reproductive system could be thought of as the single most important system in any species. Why?

6 + What is the main function of the male reproductive system? VIDEO 1 To produce gametes (sperm) by meiosis To deliver sperm To produce male sex hormones

7 + What is the basic anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system? VIDEO 2 testes scrotum epididymis vas deferens seminal vesicle prostate gland urethra penis

8 + Collaborative Activity In the male reproductive system diagrams, place the labels that identify each part of the male reproductive system and their function

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