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Classification of Igneous Rock

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1 Classification of Igneous Rock
Section 5.2

2 Mineral Composition Intrusive Extrusive Igneous intrusion
Large crystals (macroscopic) Extrusive Lava flow or flood basalts Small crystals (requires magnification)

3 Mineral Composition Basaltic rocks Granite rocks Dark colored
Lower silica content Contain mostly plagioclase and pyroxene Granite rocks Light colored High silica content Contain mostly quartz, K+ & plagioclase feldspar

4 Mineral Compositions Intermediate rocks have a composition of minerals between baslatic and granite rocks Ultrabasic rocks Contain only iron-rich minerals Always dark

5 Texture Texture refers to the size, shape, and distribution of the crystals or grains that make up a rock Rhyolite – fine-grained Granite – coarse-grained How is crystal size affected by cooling rate?

6 Texture Porphyritic texture – large well formed crystals surrounded by finer grained crystals of the same or different mineral Forms when slowly cooling magma suddenly cooled rapidly Vesicular texture – spongy appearance; Pumice is an example

7 Thin Sections A slice of rock usually 2cm X 4 cm and only 0.03 mm thick Light is able to pass through it A petrographic microscope is used to view thin sections

8 Veins Valuable ores occur within igneous intrusions; Ores also occur in the rocks surrounding intrusions called veins Important metallic elements include gold, silver, lead, and copper

9 Pegmatites Pegmatites – veins of extremely large-grained minerals
Lithium and Beryllium ores form in pegmatites Produce beautiful crystals Mount Rushmore in South Dakota

10 Kimberlites Kimberlites are ultrabasic rocks
Form at depths of 150 to 300 km Named for Kimberly, South Africa Diamonds form in kimberlites Where in the US have kimberlites been found?

11 Construction Uses Interlocking grain textures make igneous rocks strong Resistant to weathering Granite is used in countertops, floors, and statues

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