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September 14, 2012 I NTEGRATED S CIENCE D AY 5. L EARNING TARGETS 1. I can write a scientifically based conclusion 2. I can perform an experiment on a.

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Presentation on theme: "September 14, 2012 I NTEGRATED S CIENCE D AY 5. L EARNING TARGETS 1. I can write a scientifically based conclusion 2. I can perform an experiment on a."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 14, 2012 I NTEGRATED S CIENCE D AY 5

2 L EARNING TARGETS 1. I can write a scientifically based conclusion 2. I can perform an experiment on a living organism to test the effects of different chemicals.

3 A GENDA 1. Kick off question: Look at your scored heart rate lab –what areas could you improve on 2. Entry task 3. Conclusion writing and homework instructions 4. Daphnia Lab Instructions 5. Daphnia Lab 6. Homework: Conclusion for heart rate lab on separate sheet of paper in paragraph style

4 E NTRY TASK -S EPTEMBER 14 Look at your returned Heart rate, correct anything I wrote comments on. Remind yourself what the purpose of the experiment was. Listen as I describe how to write a good conclusion. Now write the answers to the conclusion questions in complete sentences.

5 H OW TO WRITE A C ONCLUSION : You asked a question, you did an experiment, and you did the experiment a second time. You recorded your results. Now it is time to write your conclusion. The conclusion, plain and simple, is the answer to your question. It should be clear, concise and stick to the point. Resist the temptation to jump to conclusions. If you were to do your experiment again, would you get the same results? Can there be differences? Why? Ask yourself what happened when you tested your hypothesis. What have you learned from this experiment? What does this experiment tell us Now for homework-- using the answers to the questions on the heart rate lab, write a final report summarizing your question, research methods and conclusion. Work on your conclusion on a separate piece of paper until lunch. If you complete the conclusion, staple it to your lab report and turn it into the second period box.

6 A FTER L UNCH Read together the introduction to the daphnia lab Read the purpose Your table partner will be your lab partner, you will be in teams of two instead of three. Make sure that everyone has at least one partner. Each team will receive an alcohol fact sheet, a caffeine fact sheet and a nicotine fact sheet Read through the fact sheets and record the important information from each sheet on to the data table for your lab.

7 R EVIEW OF M ICROSCOPE Use your assigned microscope and return it to its proper place as instructed Always start on low power Make sure your lenses are clean We will be using depression lenses, make sure your Daphnia is in the well and do not overflow.

8 B IOASSAYS Dose/Response Bioassays are used to: Estimate toxicity to humans. Estimate toxicity to humans. Estimate maximum concentrations of specific chemicals allowed to discharge into bodies of water. Estimate maximum concentrations of specific chemicals allowed to discharge into bodies of water. Investigate hazardous waste sites. Investigate hazardous waste sites.

9 9 B IOASSAY S PECIES 3 organisms are often used Daphnia Daphnia Duckweed Duckweed Lettuce Seeds Lettuce Seeds Expose organisms to chemicals and measure how they respond.

10 R EMEMBER YOU ARE WORKING WITH A LIVING CREATURE um/daphnia/ At the end of each experiment return your daphnia to the Rehabilitation and Recovery area on the demonstration desk. Use a new daphnia for each chemical


12 P ART 1 Take a look at your daphnia on low power-use the sketch I put on the overhead to help sketch and label your daphnia Look at your daphnia on medium power and sketch and label what you see Do not use high power with daphia or well plates

13 P ART 2 Make sure to get a new daphnia for each chemical you try You will need a timer to do the heart rate Make sure to record beats/min Return daphnia to the rehab bowl Clean up your lab station and return your microscope to the cabinet as directed

14 D ATA Make sure to put your averages into the data table at my desk Make sure to write down the class average Graph your data using a bar chart, showing your averages and the class averages

15 C ONCLUSION If time permits fill in the conclusion parts of the lab. Next class we will use this information and some background information about the drugs to build a more complete conclusion Turn in your lab report whether you complete the report or not.

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