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The Importance of Thinking Skills.  Because if you don’t – you’re a dumpling!  Dumplings don’t think – they just get gobbled up!

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Thinking Skills.  Because if you don’t – you’re a dumpling!  Dumplings don’t think – they just get gobbled up!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Thinking Skills

2  Because if you don’t – you’re a dumpling!  Dumplings don’t think – they just get gobbled up!

3  Brick walls don’t think.  Clouds don’t think.

4  Animals think  Thinking ensures they survive  Though mostly they act instinctively

5  Humans think  Not just for survival  Not just to eat  Thinkers solve problems that are making their lives difficult  Thinkers create new things that will make their lives better

6  There are lots of different types of thinking – but an easy definition is that it is “what your brain does”

7  Finding out  Listening  Reading  Looking  Recording  Remembering

8  Organising what you know  Thinking things through  Making connections  Deduction  Planning

9  Asking questions – which is a good thing  Researching  Trial and error

10  Applying imagination  Coming up with “new ideas”  “Having a go”

11  Did it work?  Is it any good?  Did it fail – and why?  Could it be improved?

12  That’s easy ……


14  Listen  Observe  Brainstorm  Experiment  Discuss

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