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新生环境污染物 PPCPs 分析方法的建立与评价 Development and evaluation of the determination methods for the emerging contaminants-PPCPs 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院 学生:杨栋、邵瑾 指导教师:袁涛.

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Presentation on theme: "新生环境污染物 PPCPs 分析方法的建立与评价 Development and evaluation of the determination methods for the emerging contaminants-PPCPs 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院 学生:杨栋、邵瑾 指导教师:袁涛."— Presentation transcript:

1 新生环境污染物 PPCPs 分析方法的建立与评价 Development and evaluation of the determination methods for the emerging contaminants-PPCPs 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院 学生:杨栋、邵瑾 指导教师:袁涛

2  PPCPs--- Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products 药品与个人护理用品  Emerging contaminants ? 新生环境污染物? What is PPCPs?

3  迁移途径 Routes of PPCPs in the environment 迁移途径 Routes of PPCPs in the environment  可能的危险性 Possible risks of PPCPs 可能的危险性 Possible risks of PPCPs Why PPCPs?

4 迁移途径 Routes of PPCPs in the environment Why? 人体排泄 牲畜排泄 废弃 污水处理厂 水体

5 无处不在 Ubiquitous 持久性 Persistence 毒性 Toxicity Possible risks of PPCPs PPCPs 的危险性 Why?

6  What needs to be done first? What needs to be done first?  recommendations recommendations How

7 What needs to be done first? Detection and monitoring Set a frame work a standardized approach applicable to all types of samples a definitive approach for selecting target analytes … a. The selection of priority chemicals. b. The selection of analytical techniques which target those specific compounds. c. The selection of the proper media, as well as sampling in the proper locations. how

8 Searching for a way toward green pharmacy drug design drug delivery patient education marketing drug dispensing database of drug sales … Recommendation: pollution prevention how

9  A standardized approach, with application to all types of samples, needs to be developed for different regions nationwide.  According to the Pre-caution principle, it ’ s important to call for a green pharmacy, which could not only control the occurrence of PPCPs, but also benefit consumers as well. Conclusion

10  The author wishes to acknowledge the support of The Environmental Science and Engineering Department of Shanghai JiaoTong University. The author is grateful to all the useful instruction and support provided by Mr.Yuan Tao, SJTU Environmental Department. The author also wishes to acknowledge Li Rong, SJTU Environmental Department for her contribution. Acknowledgements

11 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院 学生:杨栋、邵瑾 指导教师:袁涛

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