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Open Floor Plan Display The goal of this prototype is to demonstrate a simple lightweight file format for representing major aspects of building information.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Floor Plan Display The goal of this prototype is to demonstrate a simple lightweight file format for representing major aspects of building information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Floor Plan Display The goal of this prototype is to demonstrate a simple lightweight file format for representing major aspects of building information without the need for expensive or complex proprietary software. The standards based format (SVG) can be generated and displayed by a variety of software techniques. Simplified building models can be produced in the CAD environment and then easily accessed through a normal web browser by non technical users.

2 Simple, Lightweight File Format Building Information Display

3 CAD Publish Browser Subscribe Autodesk - Revit GeoMedia Bentley Vectorworks ArchiCAD Firefox Internet Explorer Safari Chrome Opera SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics

4 Floor Plan Stakeholders Owners & Managers Architects, Engineers, Constructors Utility Companies –Gas & Electric –Telecom –Security The City –Planning –Public Health –Safety Dispatch Fire EMS Police Sheriff Real Estate Brokers Occupants & Visitors

5 Potential Applications Facility Management Safety & Security Hazardous Material Energy Audits & Monitoring Tenant Information Display

6 Demonstration Prototype UCSF Laboratories San Francisco General Hospital Building 3

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