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Proposed 2008-2009 Budget. Assumptions COLA 5.66% Deficit -5.36% NET COLA 0.0% 21,550 ADA (decline of 823.14 07/08 P-2) –For Revenue 22,370 –For Staffing.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed 2008-2009 Budget. Assumptions COLA 5.66% Deficit -5.36% NET COLA 0.0% 21,550 ADA (decline of 823.14 07/08 P-2) –For Revenue 22,370 –For Staffing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed 2008-2009 Budget

2 Assumptions COLA 5.66% Deficit -5.36% NET COLA 0.0% 21,550 ADA (decline of 823.14 07/08 P-2) –For Revenue 22,370 –For Staffing 21,550 Staffing by formula Employee Retirement Funded at 2.0% with no Forward Funding MUST League Support - $150,000 Increase for Utilities Increase for Fuel Salary & Benefits Increases for Step & Column Auditor Increase costs Increase Classified Subs due to hiring freeze Increase County Special Ed SELPA Decrease County Data Processing JPA

3 Budget Summary Revenue Revenue Limit$130,433,966 Federal Rev 6,666,880 Other State 21,341,283 Local Rev 11,884,048 Total Revenues$170,326,177 Expenditures Certificated Sal$ 88,774,599 Classified Sal 26,432,809 Benefits 32,432,879 Material & Supplies 7,981,318 Other Services & Operating 16,624,802 Equipment / Capital Outlay 378,570 Transfers 2,243,505 Total Expenditures$174,868,482

4 Budget Summary Comparison Revenue 07/08 08/09 Change Revenue Limit$130,506,251$130,433,966 -72,285 Federal Rev 7,774,465 6,666,880 -1,107,585 Other State 27,877,924 21,341,283 -6,536,641 Local Rev 13,122,023 11,884,048 -1,237,975 Total Revenues$179,280,663 170,326,177 -8,954,486 Expenditures Certificated Sal$ 90,339,736 88,774,599-1,565,137 Classified Sal 25,871,324 26,432,809 +561,485 Benefits 32,175,547 32,432,879 +257,332 Material & Supplies 23,862,234 7,981,318 -15,880,916 Other Services & Operating 23,361,902 16,624,802 -6,737,100 Equipment / Capital Outlay 2,061,326 378,570 -1,682,756 Transfers 1,687,922 2,243,505 +555,583 Total Expenditures$199,359,991$174,868,482 -24,491,509 Change in Ending Balance -$ 6,037,766$0

5 Budget Summary Changes Revenue Change Revenue Limit -72,285Unemployment increase Federal Rev -1,107,585Program Loss & Funding reductions Other State -6,536,641 Uncertainty of programs Local Rev- 1,237,975 Loss of One Time Grants Total Revenues- 8,954,486 Expenditures Certificated Sal -1,565,137Step & Col and COLA, reduction of staff Classified Sal +561,485Step & Col, COLA, staffing LHS Benefits +257,332 LHS addition of staff Material & Supplies-15,880,916Reduction of One Time Money (carryovers) Other Srvcs & Operating -6,737,100 Reduction of One Time Money (carryovers) Equip / Capital Outlay -1,682,756Reduction of One Time Money (carryovers) Transfers +555,583 Reduction Deferred Maintenance, Self Ins. Total Expenditures-24,491,509 Change in Ending Balance $ 6,037,766Unallocated Ending Balance

6 Revenues

7 Expenditures

8 Proposed Budget Staffing Adds Certificated –Principal Assistant, 1 FTE, Lathrop High –Sec Dean-Student Activities,.40 FTE Lathrop High –Sec Dean-Athletics,.60 FTE Lathrop High –Librarian, 1 FTE, Lathrop High –High School Counselor, 2 FTE, Lathrop High –Stipends for 11 Department Chairs, Lathrop High

9 Proposed Budget Staffing Adds Continued … Classified –Custodian, 2 FTE, Lathrop High –Account Clerk II, 1 FTE, Lathrop High –Attendance Clerk, 1 FTE, Lathrop High –Campus Monitor, 2 FTE, Lathrop High –Clerk Typist, 1.375 FTE, Lathrop High –Registrar, 1 FTE, Lathrop High –Bilingual Aide II,.71875 FTE, Lathrop High –Paraprofessional I,.625 FTE, Lathrop High –Paraprofessional II, 1.25 FTE, Adult Transition Class

10 Governor’s Budget Net Zero COLA 6.99% Reduction to Categoricals Borrowing from the Lottery for New Revenues Sale of Bonds for New Revenues

11 Legislature’s Budget Assembly’s Version 1.6% Net Funded COLA Restoration of the Categorical Funding Mandate Funding $340 Million Funded on Undisclosed New Revenues Senate’s Version 3.68% Net Funded COLA Restoration of the Categorical Funding Mandate Funding $150 Million Funded on Undisclosed New Revenues

12 What’s Next These proposals will be battled out in the Legislature. On-time Budget? –It is unlikely that there will be an on-time budget or even close –Most likely it will be in the 3 rd or 4 th week of August with final deals made in the backrooms of the Legislature Our position –Continue to work on balancing our budget while waiting for Governor’s budget –Adopt our Budget on June 25th– “Wait and See Approach” wait for 45 Day Revise –Make priorities of things to be added back if any discretionary money is available

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