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Cold Fusion & Flash Shlomy Gantz CoreActive ACG July 2000.

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2 Cold Fusion & Flash Shlomy Gantz CoreActive ACG July 2000

3 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - What is Flash  Alternative  Vector based  “compiled” Standard Why should I care about flash ?...

4 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Why use Flash  Advanced  Advanced interface  Compatibility  Streaming  Streaming animation/audio/content  Compiled  Compiled, Small file size  Timeline  Extremely  Extremely Fast Development  Instantly  Instantly package into Executable Yeah.. Sure …but why should we care

5 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Interface Importance - why do we care ?  The only thing the user sees  Usability  Quick Access to information  Allows many people to use it by applying standards Ok ok … show us some stuff ….

6 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Integration methods  CFML / JS Pushing information to Flash startObj.SetVariable("/:First_Name", "#First_Name#");

7 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Integration methods  Flash Pulling information from CFML 1 Shlomy Gantz- Integration with flash 3. Robi Sen - Future of e-comm 2 Steve Nelson- Advanced fusebox

8 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Integration methods  Generator compiling on the fly MP3JPGChartTickeretc.. Doesn’t this cost like $30,000 … I’ll have to mortgage my kids

9 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - URL parameters integration

10 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - URL parameters integration URL parameters example - Banner URL parameters example - Banner URL parameters example 2 - Order Form URL parameters example 2 - Order Form

11 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - URL integration - The good Vs. evil  Simple to use, Easy to implement  No Flash knowledge needed  It’s simple  It’s really simple  It’s really really simple Hmmm….

12 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - URL integration - Remember !  Can only load once per page  URL variables are “exposed”  Urlencodedformat()  & at the end  use and endstring

13 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - JavaScript integration JavaScript Integration

14 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - JavaScript integration JavaScript example - CF MW JavaScript example - CF MW JavaScript example 2 - Order Form JavaScript example 2 - Order FormJavaScript example 2 - Order FormJavaScript example 2 - Order Form JavaScript example 3 - Player JavaScript example 3 - Player

15 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - JavaScript integration - good Vs. evil  Manipulate flash using almost all FS commands  Control from Browser window level  Client side processing  Browser Compatibility  Extra point of failure That was cool …. But I don’t want to learn javascript..

16 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Flash “Load Variables” Flash "Load Variables"

17 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Flash “Load Variables” Flash “Load Variables” example - CFMW Flash “Load Variables” example - CFMW Flash “Load Variables” example 2 - Order Form Flash “Load Variables” example 2 - Order Form

18 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Flash “Load Variables” - good Vs. evil  Connects directly with backend (transparent to user)  URL is not visible to user  Hard to detect CF errors

19 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Flash “Load Variables” - Remember !  Urlencodedformat()  & at the end AND & at the beginning  check you application.log  Remember ! every time you run load variables you run a cfm file..

20 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Generator integration  What is generator ?  How is it different from simple Flash ? MP3JPGChartTickeretc..

21 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Generator integration  {} inside generator .swt template -.swf template  CFX_Generate

22 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Integration methods - summary  Appending to Movie URL  Flash as JavaScript Object  Flash -Load Variables  Generator

23 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Working with a Flash Artist  Define your variables (I/O, types …)  Go Program …..leave the flash guy alone …  Integrate CFM files with flash string  TEST  go eat lunch ….

24 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Working with a Flash - Remember !  keep validation in one place  keep.fla and swf files synchronized  keep it simple

25 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Flash Future - Flash 5  XML support  HTML inline integration  New ActionScript (JS)  Better UI and Object browser  New “widgets” modules

26 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - When not to use flash  When there is no need to... when simple HTML is enough when simple HTML is enough  “weak” clients …(486, P75..)  when building something for yourself …. After all we are …. PROGRAMMERS

27 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - Thanks …..  Shlomy Gantz -  Amit Pitaru -

28 “Integrating Cold Fusion and Flash - Copyright CoreActive ACG 2000 - QA  What the $%@$ was he talking about ?  I want to go to lunch ….  Is this guy out of his mind ???  I want to go to lunch …..  Can this guy please stop talking so I can go to LUNCH ! LUNCH !

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