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 Lesson 4- Solving Word Problems Power 30. Today’s lesson…  Today we will be learning about key words in math. You can look for these words when going.

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Presentation on theme: " Lesson 4- Solving Word Problems Power 30. Today’s lesson…  Today we will be learning about key words in math. You can look for these words when going."— Presentation transcript:

1  Lesson 4- Solving Word Problems Power 30

2 Today’s lesson…  Today we will be learning about key words in math. You can look for these words when going through a math problem to help you solve it.  Now we’ll read through the chart of Math Keywords

3 Strategy Focus  Today’s strategy focus is “Clarifying and Self- Monitoring”  Part of this strategy we will slow down, reread, reread, reread, activate prior knowledge, read out loud, and ask yourself if it makes sense.

4 Standard Focus  Determine and clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts and using reference materials as appropriate.

5 Vocabulary  Integers:  Consecutive- numbers:  = : Fancy word for numbers Numbers right next to each other (1, 2, 3, etc.) Means “is” ex. 4-2 “is” 2

6  Now we are going to do the math problems

7 After completing the math…  Today’s strategy focus was “Clarifying and Self- Monitoring”  Part of this strategy we will slow down, reread, reread, reread, activate prior knowledge, read out loud, and ask yourself if it makes sense.  Standard : Determine and clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts and using reference materials as appropriate.

8 Reflection-  Write a two sentence reflection on how you can use these skills to help you. You can be specific!  Share what you wrote.

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