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Instrument Control Systems Seminar 2014, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Instrument Control Systems 2014 NGC optical SW Claudio Cumani.

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Presentation on theme: "Instrument Control Systems Seminar 2014, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Instrument Control Systems 2014 NGC optical SW Claudio Cumani."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instrument Control Systems Seminar 2014, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Instrument Control Systems 2014 NGC optical SW Claudio Cumani

2 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Main Document: VLT-MAN-ESO-13660-4086 (“New General Detector Controller - Optical DCS - User Manual”) NGC optical SW

3 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 To run an optical detector system using NGC you need: NGC software for Optical Systems - NGCOPT - i.e., the code of the processes running on the Instrument Workstation (IWS) and the Detector Workstation (LLCU) Instrument module - dcfg - containing the configuration files, the voltages and clock sequences for a specific instrument. What do you need for an optical NGC

4 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 NGC software for Optical Systems (NGCOPT) sources: Delivered together with the VLTSW Special tags created for implementations between VLTSW deliveries: Instrument module sources: / dcfg NGCOPT Source

5 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 NGCOPT uses NGC Core and NGC Infrared (NGCIR): Differencies between NGCOPT and NGCIR: - Shutter - Loading of different voltages during integration HINT: For instruments with IR and OPT NGC systems it is suggested to align NGCOPT to the used version of NGCIR NGCOPT vs. NGCIR

6 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 NGCOPT runs on IWS LLCU(s) NGCOPT Architecture

7 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 The NGCOPT interface process is always and only ngcocon_ Where is - The CCDNAME, for single DCS systems - The DCSNAME (Super Control name), for multi-DCS systems (we’ll see it soon) NGCOPT Architecture

8 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 NGCOPT must be compiled on both the IWS and the LLCU svn co cd NGCOPT- ; pkginBuild ngcins To install it from a ins module: set keyword OPTIONS in the pkgin configuration to “LIBRARY”: INSTALL.MODULE5.NAME "ngcins"; INSTALL.MODULE5.SUBPKG "NGC"; INSTALL.MODULE5.OPTIONS "LIBRARY"; INSTALL.MODULE5.MODULES "dicNGC ngcdrv ngcb ngcpp ngcdcs ngcrtd ngcgui ngciracq ngcircon ngco ngcocon ngcoctr ngcoexp ngcoits ngcoitc ngcoui ngcosc"; Step 1: NGCOPT installation

9 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 IMPORTANT: - The user which runs NGCOPT must be defined on both the IWS and the LLCU, with the same user id. - The user must be able to execute a remote shell (rsh) from the IWS on the LLCU (check $HOME/.rhosts) - The VLTSW version on IWS and LLCU may differ, but - The NGCOPT version on IWS and LLCU must be the same (same as for NGCIR) Step 1: NGCOPT installation (cont.)

10 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 oldb defined in DATABASE.db (on both IWS and LLCU) Single camera: #define CCDNAME #define NGCROOT :Appl_data :CCDNAME #include “ngco.db” Multiple cameras: #define DCSNAME #define DCSROOT :Appl_data :DCSNAME #define CCDNAME1 #define NGCROOT1 :Appl_data :DCSNAME:CCDNAME1 #define CCDNAME2 #define NGCROOT2 :Appl_data :DCSNAME:CCDNAME2 #include “ngco.db” Step 2: NGCOPT oldb

11 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Install the configuration files and the detector sequence and voltage files: svn co…/ dcfg cd dcfg/src; make all install then populate the INS_ROOT: ngcoDcsInstall -config dcfg [ ] For instruments using more DCSs, ngcoDcsInstall must be called for each instrument detector. For instance, assuming to have two DCSs (myCCD1, myCCD2, whose configuration is defined by xxdcfgA, xxdcfgB) controlled by a Super Control process (myINSTRUMENT, whose configuration is defined xxdcfgSdcs): ngcoDcsInstall -config -instance myCCD1 [ ] ngcoDcsInstall -config -instance myCCD2 [ ] ngcoDcsInstall -config -instance myINSTRUMENT [ ] Step 3: INS_ROOT population

12 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 IMPORTANT: - The $INS_ROOT on the LLCU is nfs-mounted from the IWS (one single repository for voltage and clock-pattern files) (different from NGCIR!!!) Step 3: INS_ROOT (cont.)

13 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 DCS.cfg (e.g., zimpolDCS.cfg, ccd1DCS.cfg) It defines the configuration of the front-end electronics. Configuration files (DCS.cfg)

14 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 CAMERA.cfg It defines - the configuration of the detector (dimensions, outputs, etc.): Example: DET.CHIP4.NAME “E2V222"; # Detector chip name DET.CHIP4.DATE "2010-08-08";# Date of installation [YYYY-MM-DD] DET.CHIP4.NX 4096; # Physical active pixels in X DET.CHIP4.NY 4112; # Physical active pixels in Y DET.CHIP4.PRSCX 50; # Physical prescan pixels in X DET.CHIP4.PRSCY 0; # Physical prescan pixels in Y DET.CHIP4.OVSCX 50; # Physical overscan pixels in X DET.CHIP4.OVSCY 0; # Physical overscan pixels in Y DET.CHIP4.PSZX 15.0; # Size of pixel in X (mu) DET.CHIP4.PSZY 15.0; # Size of pixel in Y (mu) DET.CHIP4.OUTPUTS 4; # Number of outputs per chip Configuration files (CAMERA.cfg)

15 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 - the way to use the detector(s), i.e., the Exposure Modes: DET.MODE1.NAME“FastReadout"; # Exposure mode name DET.MODE1.WCLDFIL1“wipeA.v"; # Name of CLDCi FILE for wipe DET.MODE1.WCLKFIL1“clocks.bclk";# Name of SEQi CLKFILE for wipe DET.MODE1.WPRGFIL1"mode1.seq";# Name of SEQi PRGFILE for wipe DET.MODE1.WCLDFIL2“wipeB.v"; # Name of CLDCi FILE for wipe DET.MODE1.WCLKFIL2"clocks.bclk";# Name of SEQi CLKFILE for wipe DET.MODE1.WPRGFIL2"mode1.seq";# Name of SEQi PRGFILE for wipe DET.MODE1.PCLDFIL1"integrateA.v"; # Name of CLDCi FILE for preintegration DET.MODE1.PCLDFIL2"integrateB.v"; # Name of CLDCi FILE for preintegration DET.MODE1.RCLDFIL1"readA.v"; # Name of CLDCi FILE for readout DET.MODE1.RCLDFIL2"readB.v"; # Name of CLDCi FILE for readout DET.MODE1.OUTPUTS4;# Number of outputs used for readout #DET.MODE1.BINXRNG“1,2,4";# X-Binning range #DET.MODE1.BINYRNG“1,2,4";# Y-Binning range DET.MODE1.SHMODE "Sequencer1";# Shutter operational mode #DET.MODE1.SHMODE "Direct";# Shutter operational mode NOTE: in order to use a MODE for an exposure, issue the SETUP command as follows msgSend $RTAPENV ngcocon_$CCDNAME SETUP "-function DET.MODE.CURID ” Configuration files (CAMERA.cfg)

16 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 - The kind of shutter which is used: DET.SHUT.TYPE “nostatus"; # Shutter type DET.SHUT.TYPE “status"; # Shutter type DET.SHUT.TYPE "Bonn"; # Shutter type DET.SHUT.TYPE “Led"; # Shutter type And, in the case of multi-DCS systems with one single shutter, which is the shutter driver system: DET.SHUT.SYNC "Master"; # Shutter sync mode DET.SHUT.SYNC “Slave"; # Shutter sync mode (Shutter synchronization performed via internal messages) Configuration files (CAMERA.cfg)

17 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Start NGCOPT from the Instrument Workstation ngcoDcsStart -instance $CCDNAME -env $RTAPENV -lenv $CCDLENV - kill Put NGCOPT in STANDBY msgSend $RTAPENV ngcocon_$CCDNAME STANDBY "" Put NGCOPT ONLINE msgSend $RTAPENV ngcocon_$CCDNAME ONLINE "" Perform periodic wiping msgSend $RTAPENV ngcocon_$CCDNAME STARTWP "" Prepare the next exposure (set exposure mode, type, time and binning) msgSend $RTAPENV ngcocon_$CCDNAME SETUP "-function DET.MODE.CURID 1 \ DET1.EXP.TYPE Normal DET1.UIT1 10 DET1.BINX 1 DET1.BINY 1 \ DET.FRAM.FITSMTD 2 DET.FRAM.FILENAME myImage.fits" Start the exposure msgSend $RTAPENV ngcocon_$CCDNAME START "" Wait until the exposure has been completed msgSend $RTAPENV ngcocon_$CCDNAME WAIT "" Example of operation

18 Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Again, the main Document is: VLT-MAN-ESO-13660-4086 “New General Detector Controller - Optical DCS - User Manual” Repository: Trunk: Tags: Instrument modules: /DCS/ dcfg Thank you The End

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