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Tribunal Member Refresher Training 14 May 2015 - Hammersmith.

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Presentation on theme: "Tribunal Member Refresher Training 14 May 2015 - Hammersmith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tribunal Member Refresher Training 14 May 2015 - Hammersmith

2 AIMS To provide all tribunal members sitting in the jurisdiction with an overview of the Competence Framework and appraisal Scheme To reflect upon best practice and to develop the skills as set out in the competence framework.


4 Overwhelming requests in training feedback You want – time for discussion in training – to practice tribunal skills – to see how others do it

5 OUTCOMES At the conclusion of this Programme you will be able to: Identify, with reference to the competence framework, good practice and practice to avoid. Demonstrate questioning skills with reference to the PIP legislation. Conduct hearings, with reference to the revised equal treatment bench book, in a way which ensures all parties are treated fairly

6 Programme Introduction to competencies and appraisal Tribunal skills Questioning skills Equal treatment

7 How does the appraisal system work First sitting/ Supportive visit Appraisal Appraisal report

8 Why bother ?


10 So if it’s not money …… Independent but not unaccountable Refreshing and updating learning Promoting self reflection Aspiring to best practice

11 Social Security & Child Support Tribunals Appraisal Scheme

12 Competences A - Knowledge & values B - Communication C - Conduct of cases D - Evidence E -Decision making

13 B – Communication To ensure effective communication between all tribunal judges, members and parties Performance Indicator Asks clear concise and relevant questions which are understood by those to whom they are addressed

14 D – Evidence To ensure that all relevant issues are addressed by eliciting and managing evidence Performance Indicators Asks questions in such a way as to elicit evidence relevant to the issues

15 Why do we ask questions ? To obtain information OR To obtain relevant information To resolve conflicts in the evidence To determine entitlement

16 How do we ask questions The KISS principle Keep It So Simple Use open questions Be neutral Use appropriate body language Listen to the answer Avoid unnecessary interruptions

17 Appraisal Report Follows feedback/discussion Performance Indicators A)Competent performance B)Some concern C)Serious concern

18 Back to those outcomes Identify, with reference to the competence framework, good practice and practice to avoid Demonstrate questioning skills with reference to the PIP legislation Conduct hearings, with reference to the revised equal treatment bench book, in a way which ensures all parties are treated fairly

19 So at the end of today … What will your approach to asking questions at your next tribunal be?

20 Will your approach to your next appraisal be any different? Is it possible that you will look forward to your next appraisal?

21 Or at least less stressed?

22 And finally ………

23 District Tribunal Judges Simon Ward RMMSutton Mary MaySutton Stephen Pierce Sutton Victoria WoollenSutton Eily HartySutton Penny WoodSutton Vicky KingSutton Jane LomBexley Heath Jacqueline GuestEnfield Anne Marie TootellAnchorage House Richard Poynter Fox Court Mark HindleyFox Court Conrad Haley-HalinskiFox Court Catherine BradleyFox Court Manjit Kaur GillFox Court

24 To get the most out of today Be honest

25 Be reflective

26 AND Enjoy The Day!

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