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By: Vivian W.. For movement, I made the turtle and the kodu move.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Vivian W.. For movement, I made the turtle and the kodu move."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Vivian W.

2 For movement, I made the turtle and the kodu move.

3 I made the kodu play music when I clicked the left clicker on the mouse.

4 I made a different background for my game.


6 Pros of KoduCons of Kodu Some pros of the game software was that the game was easier once I got to know how to use it. You had to have the same computer to be able to access the same game you made. The game software was really fun to use.Kodu was hard to download at home. There were a lot of things to make your Kodu do when you program it. At the beginning, the software was pretty hard to figure out what to do.

7 What is the name of your game software you used? I explored the game software Kodu. A description of how effective this tool is for game design. The game is useful because it is pretty easy to use and it easy to learn how to make a game. The game can be hard at times, but, overall the game is not too hard. A rating for difficulty of tool usage. Easy, Medium or Hard. Explain. The difficulty of the game is medium because a lot of the time the game is easy to use. Sometimes the game can be confusing and hard to use like when you try out programming an object. There are a lot of options when trying to program. When editing the land, the options can be confusing. A final recommendation for future use of this program in the classroom. Kodu should be used in the future for classroom projects because of how helpful it is to learn how to program a game. How might game design influence the future of education? Game design might influence the future of education by it will help people become creative and maybe students would learn material by having to design games through research.

8 Diamondback Terrapin turtle

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