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Newsletter. Nameplate  Banner on front of newsletter identifying publication. Includes: Name Logo Can contain: Subtitle Motto Volume, date, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Newsletter. Nameplate  Banner on front of newsletter identifying publication. Includes: Name Logo Can contain: Subtitle Motto Volume, date, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newsletter

2 Nameplate  Banner on front of newsletter identifying publication. Includes: Name Logo Can contain: Subtitle Motto Volume, date, etc.

3 Body Bulk of text excluding headlines Articles that make up the newsletter content Body

4 Table of Contents Usually on front page Lists articles and page numbers Table of Contents South Meck WINS2 Homecoming Day3 Travel Abroad!3

5 Masthead Usually on 2 nd Page Lists publisher & other data May include staff names and more Olde Georgetowne President……………………...….John Smith VP……………………………….…..Sam Smith Treasurer…………………….….Emma Smith Office Location: 6800 Whistlestop Road Charlotte, NC 28210

6 Headline Identifies each article in a newsletter Most prominent text element outside of nameplate. Headline

7 Jumplines and Continuation Lines Continued on page 2Continued from page 1 Help readers keep reading by adding jumplines when articles continue on another page. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Jumplines also called continuation lines when articles continue from another page. When articles span 2+ pages, newsletter uses jumplines or continuation lines:

8 Subhead  Appear within body of articles to divide the article into smaller sections. Subhead

9 Running Head Repeated text, usually at the top of each page that includes page number, etc. Also called header. Running Head

10 Caption  You know this—also referred to as call-out. Tells who took the picture and/or describes the picture. Caption

11 Bylines Short phrase giving name of author of article. Usually accompanied with “by”.

12 Pull Quotes  To attract attention, a quote is pulled from the text of the article and featured.

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