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Temperate Forest By Alex Rodriguez. Climate Annual rainfalls ranges from 75 - 150 cm per year. The average temp. for a year is 50 degrees F. Winter- Forests.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperate Forest By Alex Rodriguez. Climate Annual rainfalls ranges from 75 - 150 cm per year. The average temp. for a year is 50 degrees F. Winter- Forests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperate Forest By Alex Rodriguez

2 Climate Annual rainfalls ranges from 75 - 150 cm per year. The average temp. for a year is 50 degrees F. Winter- Forests may look rather lifeless during this time. Wildlife hides from the cold or flies far away to warmer places. Many temperate forests are blanketed in snow for much of the winter. Spring- Days begin to lengthen and get warmer. Wildlife slowly returns and new leaf and flower buds appear on deciduous trees. Summer- The forest is green and food is plentiful. Woodland animals have babies. The forest is awake and busy during the day and night. Fall- As daylight shortens and temperatures fall, deciduous trees reduce the amount of green chlorophyll in their leaves. The leaves turn orange, yellow, red, and brown.

3 Dominant Plants Broadleaf deciduous trees, some conifers, flowering shrubs, herbs, a ground layer of mosses and ferns.

4 Dominant Animals Deer, black bears, bobcats, nut and acorn feeders such as squirrels, omnivores such as raccoons and skunks, numerous songbirds, turkeys

5 Geographical Distribution Latitude- Most of these forests occur between approximately 25 and 50 degrees latitude in both hemispheres. Altitude- Between 800 and 2500 m above sea level. Continent- South America and North America

6 Human Activity Hunting is very popular in these forests. White tailed deer populate the area. Other than that there is not much human activity.

7 Sources Google Book Wikianswers

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