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THE AMAZING WORLD OF FOOD Objective- Analyze techniques used in food advertising in order to make healthy food choices. Warm-up: Pick up text book if you.

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Presentation on theme: "THE AMAZING WORLD OF FOOD Objective- Analyze techniques used in food advertising in order to make healthy food choices. Warm-up: Pick up text book if you."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE AMAZING WORLD OF FOOD Objective- Analyze techniques used in food advertising in order to make healthy food choices. Warm-up: Pick up text book if you are not finished yesterday’s assignment work on it now. Any signed papers to turn in?

2 People eat for many different reasons. Can you think of a group of people who use this information everyday? Hunger To Serve Others or Show Love Satisfy the Senses – Taste, Smell Social Bonding (Family Dinner, Dinner Date) Traditions / Celebrations Reflect Culture Nutrition for Wellness Appetite – I like how it looks! Beat Boredom -curiosity -nothing else to do… ___ Habit -movies and

3 Think about it…. The main purpose of advertising is to sell a product.

4 What is the focus?

5 What guidelines can help you make good decisions regarding food? Separate Fact from Fiction- food myths brown eggs vs. white eggs Take the time to carefully analyze the advertisement ! It may provide information – it just entertain. Usually emphasize flavor and pleasure of eating. Nutrition information may not be included.

6 Tactics Advertisers Use Limited information Positive images Celebrity endorsement Scare tactics Studies Infomercials False claims (Fraud does occur – people make money by deceiving others.

7 What is being emphasized in this advertisement?





12 How to evaluate information Look for the source - call the company Identify reliable web sites - look for government, hospitals, universities and professional health organizations Read carefully Identify funding of studies Choose experts

13 Now it is your turn… Each advertising team (the 2 people at each table) is to provide an advertising slogan / advertisement for a specific food – selected by the management You will draw a card which will tell you what advertising techic/slant to use. Your team will be supplied with plain paper/colored pencils. Work is due at the end of class.

14 Wrap it Up Food plays a big role in our lives. Every aspect of wellness can be affected by the food decisions we make. We need to know how to make good food choices. Read in your text Separating Fact From Fiction Pages 152-154. Answer questions 17-19 on page 156.

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