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Application.  Classifying Diseases  Chronic/Acute  Communicable/Noncommunicable  Communicable Disease Model  Chain of Infection.

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Presentation on theme: "Application.  Classifying Diseases  Chronic/Acute  Communicable/Noncommunicable  Communicable Disease Model  Chain of Infection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application

2  Classifying Diseases  Chronic/Acute  Communicable/Noncommunicable  Communicable Disease Model  Chain of Infection

3  Chronic  Lasts longer than 3 months  Acute  Lasts less than 3 months

4  Communicable  Infectious  Spreads person to person  Noncommunicable  Noninfectious  Based on genetics, individual behaviors, environmental exposures, etc

5 Susceptible Organism Virus or other element Physical, biological or social factors that encourage or prohibit transmission

6 Complex Version

7 Simpler Version

8  Direct ▪ no middle step ▪ AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, rabies, common cold  Indirect  Airborne: TB, influenza  Vector-borne: Lyme disease, malaria  Vehicle-borne: Dysentery, hepatitis (diseases that transit in other ways can be transmitted this way as well)

9  Non- infectious

10  Top Killers  Coronary heart disease (1 in 4 deaths in 2008)  Cancers (aka Malignant Neoplasms)

11  Prevention  Control  Eradication rarely possible  Smallpox eradicated as humans are only reservoir

12  Primary  Secondary  Tertiary

13  Prevent the disease/injury before it occurs  Health education  Immunizations  Hand washing  Banning BPA  What else?

14  Early diagnosis and treatment  Pap smear  Breast lump biopsy and removal  HIV test  Mole excision and biopsy  What else?  Health screening- goal is to identify those who may have disease, not to diagnose a disease

15  Retrain, re-educate and rehabilitate patients with the disease/injury  Support groups (AA, NA)  Diabetes education (most hospitals offer)  PT/OT/SLP  Safer injection strategies for drug users with HIV/Hepatitis C  What else?

16 Chlorination Antibiotics Disinfectants Isolation Quarantine Drug therapy Masks Condoms Hair nets Insect repellents Hand washing Sneeze glass Abstinence (sex, injection drugs) Safer sex Masks Condoms Insect repellents Immunizations Health ed Abstinence Disease Prevention and Control Strategies within the Chain of Infection Model

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